Cap blanks

My sister handmade a patch representing my grandfathers bomber unit in WW2 for Christmas. I’d love to stitch it on a navy blue hat, but struggling to find something that isn’t super high crown or a dad hat. A mid-lower crown and slightly thicker material is great. Ebbets is too thick for me with the wool, would like to wear it year round. I’m neck deep in eBay and Google searches for vintage blanks lol. Anyone have any brands you like?
4 Replies
@Digs got any milsurp suggestions
PlaywrightOP5w ago
Yes milsurp would be perfect
Digs5w ago
Mist milsurp is gonna be a very low crown. The ideal milsurp option would be an A-3 mechanic cap It would be the most accurate to the time period
Neotoma4w ago
Look up Stockbridge Sewing, she does custom and repro ball caps. You could probably send in the patch and have something made for it

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