Pages Site Incorrectly Flagged for Fishing Causing Outage appears to have received two false phishing reports at the same time early morning this morning. The site is an under construction placeholder for prior to launch use for a customers website. I submitted an appeal but its still in review is there any way to speed this up? The site is effectively down and the customer anxious. I could make a new pages site but am worried itll happen again or be a violation of some ToS.
4 Replies
Walshy•3w ago
Looks like you are also flagged by Chrome and Safari
9600 Baud
9600 BaudOP•3w ago
Its a few lines of text some social media links and a countdown to launch
Walshy•3w ago
Regardless, for Cloudflare specifically, as you should have been told in the email about it - send an email to [email protected] explaining why it's a false positive And then for Chrome and Safari, you'll need to go through their processes Alternatively, the email from cf should have told you the reporting party, you can appeal to them and if they retract, it should clear them all
9600 Baud
9600 BaudOP•3w ago
Reporting party was Anonymous and the reason given was a one liner about showing up in Intel so nothing specific 😂. I did reply to the email and ill go through the other processes I guess. This has never happened to me before with quite a few websites under my belt.

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