where do i report bot players?

This KJ stood afk at spawn the whole game and enemy pheonix was using this bot to throw and win the game. I got help from enemy dealock cause pheonix was very abusive losing 2 rounds even with map hacks and 1 afk advantage. Deadlock decided to help us with picking spike and not planting when he/she found out pheonix is doing this and being toxic on top of it. I just wanna know why valorant doesnt ban these kind of players? how come vanguard failed to pick out players who use automated commands to not get afk? Enemy deadlock even told us as well as my own teams sage this KJ and pheonix do this every night and they had them in their matches just yesterday and day before yesterday. This is so unacceptable as well as what can somenone get by doing something like this in the very first few league of the game. I'm bronze ik I dont have really good skills but atleast I find joy when I make plays or get unexpected kills ..
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5 Replies
BarbieOnWeedsOP3w ago
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yume3w ago
@BarbieOnWeeds press escape while in game Press on the tab that says match Next to each player should be a report option Then u choose what u want to report them for maybeee google this kinda simple stuff first next time
BarbieOnWeedsOP3w ago
I know the game report but it doesn't work This very same person came to my match again today so you tell me how that even works. It's simple but if it's just for aesthetics I don't count it as a report button. @yume
ukiyo!3w ago
@BarbieOnWeeds you can try submitting a ticket to valorant support since they have an option to report a player, including bots
yume2w ago
^^ It's not just for aesthetics I've seen ppl I reported get banned/a punishment

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