Does DH automatically detect and convert Chunky's pre-generated chunks? Or do i need to do something
I've read the FAQ here:
But its not entirely clear to me from the post.
I am single player, i used Chunky to generate 10k radius around spawn (without DH installed). After it finished, i installed DH, but i dont know if i need to tell it to use the existing data, or if it will automatically detect it, or if im totally misunderstanding how this works.
Basically im just trying to pre-load as much as i can so that once i actually start playing, it doesnt need to rebuild/reload stuff.
3 Replies
DH will automatically create all the Loads
If you want DH to ONLY generate LODs where the Chunky chunks were generated then set the Distant Generation to pre existing only
You waisted time with chunky though as using only DH generator should be ~35% faster
The FAQ says "Alternatively, you can use the mod Chunky if you want to pre-generate vanilla vanilla chunks, and then use DH generator to convert it to LODs. "
So thats what i was hoping to do
Basically my goal was to pre-generate a large area (~10k blocks radius square) so that while playing the stuff wouldn't need to keep loading as I explore
And FAQ seemed to imply that doing it via "chunky first, dh after" would work fine
It does work, but it is slower then letting DH just do the whole generation
DH however deletes the vanilla chunks when you are finished, so if you want to keep the vanilla chunks you have to use Chunky or DH's Internal Server generation mode
Internal Server generation mode is slower then the default features, so IDK what is faster DH IS DG or Chunky in this case