Starting workspaces on Koyeb

Could anyone give me any guidance on getting code-server going on a koyeb instance? I'm not particularly experience in terraform, so have tried to modify some of the other templates. I'm able to create the instance, but always getting some kind of deployment error starting up the container.
8 Replies
Codercord5w ago
Help needed
Coder (v2)
Please post any relevant logs/error messages.
HappySharkOP5w ago
unfortunately seems like the only logs I can get from koyeb are
Instance created. Preparing to start...
Internal deployment error. If the error persists, try to redeploy or contact us.
Instance stopped.
Instance created. Preparing to start...
Internal deployment error. If the error persists, try to redeploy or contact us.
Instance stopped.
Phorcys5w ago
hello @HappyShark, what is the goal you're trying to achieve? do you want to use Koyeb as a runtime for your Coder workspaces? code-server is our web version of Visual Studio Code, and Coder is the Cloud Development Environment, it seems like there might be a mixup
HappySharkOP4w ago
attempting to use coder with the attached terraform template to spin up code-server workspaces on koyeb
HappySharkOP4w ago
I'm wondering if the startup script for the coder agent is taking too long for the health checks to pass at the moment, are there reasons beyond only having to maintain one enterprise-base docker image for this install to happen at startup time rather than baked into multiple platform specific images?
coder/provisionersdk/scripts at main · coder/coder
Provision remote development environments via Terraform - coder/coder
HappySharkOP4w ago
seems like startup times could be much faster if the agent and code-server itself were preinstalled into the image rather than startup scripts I managed to fix this issue! must have either been an issue with the size of the docker file, or the download of the agent/code-server failing on start. I wrote a new dockerfile that pre-installs the agent + code-server, then has the agent as the startup command and that seems to work perfectly, and starts reeeeally fast compared to every other deployment target I've tried.
Phorcys4w ago
nice! pre-installing the agent shouldn't make it much faster but if it works for you then great! if you want to make stuff faster I'd also encourage you to ues multiple coder_script resources to run scripts in parallel instead of using startup_script
Codercord4w ago
@Phorcys closed the thread.

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