What minimum cpu can run this game 300fps+ for am5
i wanna buy ryzen 5 7500f with 2x8gb 6000mhz , im gonna do streaming too is that spec enough to get 300fps on 1080p ?
93 Replies
And whats the gpu
the gpu is flex
all my work on cpu
i streaming using tiktok and virtual camera obs , and valorant so it all stressed on cpu
my 5600g with rx 6600xt cant handle all that task with 200fps +
Change the video encoder ( I doubt it will help but try)
encoder ALL already H.265
it means gpu
tiktok and obs
So u are running two streaming platform
Double the usage
So obviously won't get 300 fps
so what cpu can get 300 fps ?
triple bcs i stream valorant
so i ask here best cpu for it
atleast can get 200+ fps
No idea about cpu in amd
intel too
Well depends on ur budget
Without it I can say i9 13gen hx
cheapest ?
i think hx for mobile
Going beyond i7 isn't ideal for streaming needs
If u meant mobile cpu that was just an example
just amd ig
I'll will give you a simple theory, more cores will give you more process handling power and a better gpu will give you better video encoding while maintaining frame rates
And for Intel u have to change the hole motherboard anyways
But yeah before buying anything check for bottleneck
Try restream it's a good tool to stream to multiple platforms
Without having to do seperate stream
i dont upgrade , i wanna build
i mean
rebuild with new system
im too lazy to change my mobo and sell it 1 by 1
Hmmm then go for a cpu with more cores and gpu which is powerful and doesn't bottleneck
Idk about amd things but Intel I do
i will buy arounc rx 6600 or 3060
just basic mid range with gpu
3060 ti if 3060
too expensive
A good investment
How much is price difference
6600 enough to handel 2k 60
in my country $200
Damn too much
6600 and 6600xt around $250-$300 , 3060 and 3060 ti $300-$450
thats why for gaming i prefer amd , bcs nvidi in here is very expensive
Again no idea about amd but for nvidia 3060ti is the good option
Lemme check if there is any difference
the new 5090 launch price in here is around $2400

idk , i dont want buy nvidia for now , bcs price to perfomance is badd
$300 vs $450 ?

This is the result online
rx 7600 xt more cheaper than 3060 ti in here
so no reason to buy it

Correct cpu
i using G rn
what i use now
What gpu
rx 6600xt
i got around 190-270fps and 190-220 when streaming with obs only , and with both platfor stream , i got around 100-130 fps
What u use for tiktok to stream
And what are your Ingame settings
obs virtual camera
Try restream once? Who knows it might be the solution
im a png tuber , tiktok live studio dont support it so i must use virtual camera to show my png
is restream pay ?
my tiktok not allowed stream using restream
Oh so they don't give tiktok in free version
i guess
Well I think buying a new cpu will be good
There is slight bottlenecking

Tiktok is there
thats what i wanna do lol
bcs my mobo cant run my ram on 3600
its wasting my money , thats why i want to sell it
Hmm so you will buy everything?
Like new cpu and gpu?

all new
from 6600 xt to 6600 but better cpu
U didn't gave access to connect

Why downgrading?
no money
also 6600xt in my country soooo rare
second hand only
only 6600 , i want new one
But you have a xt rn right?
That was new?
only 3 score diff , im sure 6600 can handle my game and stream
What country
new but international warranty
So you stream just in tiktok?
Or twitch too
youtube and tiktok only
What bitrate you keep generally
14k , i stream 2k 60
idk i think is useless to do , bcs my monitor only 1080p
next time i will use 1080p , bcs i downgrade my gpu
no big diff , ig
RX 6600 vs RX 6600 XT - Test In 2023 With 10 Games at 1080P🔥
RX 6600 vs RX 6600 XT - Test In 2023 With 10 Games at 1080P🔥
Hey guys in this video you can see the difference between amd rx 6600 non xt vs rx 6600 xt. I hope this side-by-side comparison will help you to choose the perfect GPU based on your needs & budget.
No Additional cost To You:-
Use these Links for buying and help me to earn:-
◆ RX 660...
600 fps valorant , i wanna use 2x16 6000mhz btw
RX 6600 + Ryzen 5 7500F : Test in 20 Games - AMD RX 6600 Gaming Test
◽️ Benchmarking the AMD RX 6600 8GB GPU paired with the AMD RYZEN 5 7500F tested in 16 Games at 1080p
◽️ I will be benchmarking the Ryzen 5 7500F with many more Graphics Cards, so stay tuned and press the Subscribe button
◽️ AMD Ryzen 5 7500F https://amzn.to/3QL1BKr
◾️ ASUS Dual RX 6600 8GB https://amzn.to/4bfvIle
◾️ RAM - 16GB ...
Bro 💀
14 k is too much OMG
for what ?
And why 2k when u don't have 2k monitor
idk , i try 30k bit too
and nothing change
my cpu and gpu usage still the same
i before stream 1080p with 50k bit rate
just wanna use my wifi upload speed hehe
same hehe
but nvm , after i rebuild my pc i will use 1080p res
Bitrate affects cpu too
much or not ?
i will try it tomorrow
Buy it for me
R7 7800x3D $460 in here
Just transfer' the money uwu x3
i still buy r5 7500f tho
or r7 8400f
BTW is valo now pore optimize ?
i dont change any think but my valo fps increase
wait where is he
What did you do 💀
Why you are getting banned
Are u posting cheats?
Aha deserved
Well if u got time sure go ahead
From what I know, you get banned for alts from this server
I know someone very specific 💀
my old acc get banned to lol
just because said i femboy
in general
i still cant accept it bcs they ban for no reason
What are you even doing 💀
Another 1
This is sad tbh
God damn bruh
Why even bother at this point
Cause I don’t let bans slide
I should probs behave this time tho
Not banned I see
well I got muted for 6 hours