Active Effect Help

And it should be the actual ActiveEffect document for the effect, not just the id. I don't have the brain right now to figure out the best way to get that.
Ethck974d ago
I really thought I could figure it out, but the updates just aren't going through. Here is the current state of the macro:
if(args[0] === "each"){
let effect = args[2].efData.document; //the active effect which adds the AC bonus
//the Item for Armor of Agathys, set up as innate spellcasting with 0/1 uses.
let armorOfAgathys = game.items.getName("Armor of Agathys");
let bonus = parseInt([1].value);
if(bonus < 6){
console.log([1].value, effect);
effect.update({"data.changes[1].value": bonus+3});
} else {
armorOfAgathys.update({"data.uses.value": 1});
if(args[0] === "each"){
let effect = args[2].efData.document; //the active effect which adds the AC bonus
//the Item for Armor of Agathys, set up as innate spellcasting with 0/1 uses.
let armorOfAgathys = game.items.getName("Armor of Agathys");
let bonus = parseInt([1].value);
if(bonus < 6){
console.log([1].value, effect);
effect.update({"data.changes[1].value": bonus+3});
} else {
armorOfAgathys.update({"data.uses.value": 1});
Some stuff still needs to be adjusted.
Ethck974d ago
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Ethck974d ago
(I don't think it pings on thread creation??? So just throwing out a ping. Sorry if it actually did! @badideasbureau
Daniel Thorp974d ago
Maybe you need to await the updates?
Ethck974d ago
I thought that as well but tried it and no dice :( The problem (as far as I understand it) is that the effect.update is not going through. I've double checked the keyname and it is a valid name. I also just tried a really simple key name, but the data wasn't modified either, so I think there's something else going on but I have no idea what. If anything I'm thinking it might be that I have the wrong effect selected? But that really should be the right one...
BadIdeasBureau974d ago
Honestly not sure - try throwing in a console.log(effect) to check it's the right one?
Ethck974d ago
I did. Here's the output (afaik it's the right one???).
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BadIdeasBureau974d ago
OH! effect.update({"changes[1].value": (the "update" applies to "data", so you skip the first "data") I think you still want the "data" in armor of agathys, since that's system defined data (so it's actually
Ethck974d ago
That would make sense, but it still doesn't work.
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Ethck974d ago
Are you allowed to use array indexing in the key field? I'm starting to think it might be because of this? Okay, it's definitely because of that If I change the key to "label" then it immediately works I'm going to throw a general question over into #development
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