
@arcanist figured out, the flex layout elements have pointer-events: none, so anything injected will need to specifically pointer-event: unset or normal or w/e to re-enable that
zeel970d ago
That makes sense.
Calego970d ago
So far I know of: Button not clickable (thanks @arcanist ) and Ids not injecting in the sidebar (thanks @lordzeel )
Leo The League Lion970d ago
@calego gave vote LeaguePoints™ to @arcanist (#9 • 204) and @lordzeel (#2 • 604)
Calego970d ago
guessing the sidebar refactor changed a hook signature or the like
Daniel Thorp970d ago
Not really lol Core shouldn't do this sort of breaking change without putting it somewhere...
Calego970d ago
it's a prototype build...
zeel970d ago
It should have been mentioned, but it probably is nessesary for the flex layout.
Calego970d ago
we can suggest they do foo > * pointer-events: normal or something though
zeel970d ago
Otherwise you couldn't interact with the canvas.
Calego970d ago
zeel970d ago
Yes That's a good option.
Calego970d ago
that's what these builds are for 🙂 i'll play around when I'm fxing devmode and submit that as feedback
Daniel Thorp970d ago
I have a suggestion for DevMode. Could you add this CSS: It's mostly developers who are having DevTools open after all
Calego969d ago
I'm not super interested in making layout changes with devmode (which this would be). My reasoning is largely: The more things devMode touches, the more likely it is to create an unexpected behavior between when it is present in a world and when it isn't. Layout (apart from what I hope is a largely risk-less addition of a button, and an optional addition of a button to sidebar entities) is somewhere that could quickly go and cause bugs to appear when devmode is turned off.
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