BuildTools Vulkan

At the moment BuildTools creates a structure for each alias, even though identical to the root structure.
49 Replies
thargy3y ago
for example PhysicalDeviceFeatures2KHR and PhysicalDeviceFeatures2 are both built, even though the first is identical to the second, and both use the same StructureType That's not a problem until now, except when I add the logic to look up the start of the chain and mark it as IChainStart, of course we only find the root struct, not all of it's aliases so the aliases don't get marked up as IChainable I can 'fix' by doing a similar trick and marking the roots of all aliases with their aliases (using the Build Tools intrinsic attributes)- and then bounce on from there... That's quite a lot of extra code, and there's a question as to whether we should be outputting the struct aliases really anyway as they're indistinguishable to the VulkanAPI and add bloat. However, I see the argument both ways. Pros are the extra info marking structs as aliases, and saying what aliases exist for the current struct, is not unuseful
Perksey3y ago
thargy3y ago
For example B extends A, and C is an alias of A.
Perksey3y ago
oh yeah i understand just "uhhh"
thargy3y ago
I've finished so that B marks C as having an extension B (actually there is a list of all the extenders) But C never gets marked up for obvious reasons as it's just 'an alias'
public unsafe partial struct PhysicalDeviceFeatures2 : IChainStart, IExtendsChain<DeviceCreateInfo>
public unsafe partial struct PhysicalDeviceFeatures2KHR : IExtendsChain<DeviceCreateInfo>
public unsafe partial struct PhysicalDeviceFeatures2 : IChainStart, IExtendsChain<DeviceCreateInfo>
public unsafe partial struct PhysicalDeviceFeatures2KHR : IExtendsChain<DeviceCreateInfo>
Anything that extends PhysicalDeviceFeatures2KHR cannot extend PhysicalDeviceFeatures2KHR It's actually subtlely even worse as not only do I have to say mark C as extended by A, but B also has be marked as being capable of exending C So we get exponential growth of interfaces for each alias which sucks e.g. C->B->A and D is alias of B currently we get C->B B->A D->A as well as B<-C A<-B and we'd need to add A<-D D<-C etc. gets messy quick, but entirely possible to do The alternative is to not support chaining on aliases at all but that has downsides too Or to not expose aliases OK got to go, but it's actually not too bad as we only mark the reverse as IChainStart no matter how many extenders are present ttyl8r
Perksey3y ago
cc @Deleted User above. do we want an exponential growth of interfaces for aliases, do we want to support the chaining on aliases of structs that have been promoted to core vulkan - could cause breaking changes if not, etc. this is a vulkan-only change so i don't have too many concerns from my perspective with any case actually openxr is probably a massive concern but we'll get there when we get there
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
Depends on how many we'd get
thargy3y ago
I can probably implement and see As far as I can see there’s usually only one alias So probably not going to be horrific It doesn’t really impact performance at all
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
I also think we should just not export promoted structs
thargy3y ago
Yes alias structs are for backwards compatibility really
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
C# has typeforwarding
thargy3y ago
Oooooo There’s something I didn’t consider 🤔
Perksey3y ago
that's just moving a type to another assembly though the type still has to exist in some form
thargy3y ago
Ah the full name must be identical
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
Well when promoted they do
Perksey3y ago
yeah but we can't just forward Struct2KHR to Struct2 the types be magically fused together as one is my point type forwarding has no place here. none that i can see anyway
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
But we could eventually rename them all to Struct2
Perksey3y ago
no way without breaking
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
And like, when stuff is promoted from KHR to Core, we just promote the type from the KHR package to the core package
Perksey3y ago
all structs are in one package today
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
Ah right Wups
Perksey3y ago
and this doesn't change the fact that the KHR struct has... KHR at the end of it and it also doesn't account for changes made during promotion, but those wouldn't be aliased there's no way we can expose this in a way that's 1:1 with native without duplicating the struct [without source generators]
thargy3y ago
OK; I’ll implement as is And see if there’s any issues It might not be so bad
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
Yeah, we'll see
thargy3y ago
There are 116 aliases. Should I add a NativeName("Alias", "AliasName") attribute to the root of an alias? of add a new Alias("AliasName") attribute? or not add any attribute? I have the info, so figure may as well mark it up
Perksey3y ago
NativeName("AliasOf", "...es2") sounds reasonable
thargy3y ago
NativeName("Alias", "BKHR") on B indicates BKHR is an alias of B To me AliasOf in that scenario feels backward? Also there can be technically more than one
Perksey3y ago
wouldn't that result in multiple attributes on B
thargy3y ago
NativeName is already AllowMultiple true
Perksey3y ago
yeah i know, but that's intended for different native name types
thargy3y ago
I can dump a CSV into the value NativesName("Aliases", "A,B,C")
Perksey3y ago
i would say do both, but we need to be more careful about assembly size...
thargy3y ago
I can do both no problem NativeName("AliasOf", "D") is always one way I believe If I use the CSV for 'aliases' it's a max of two attributes, but in practice only one e.g. A will have NativeName("Aliases", "B")
Perksey3y ago
idk again this only affects vulkan so i shall defer to kai
thargy3y ago
and B will have NativeName("AliasOf","A") I can stick it in the code, it's trivial to remove from StructWriter, as there's no harm the intrinsics being left against the structs and not output
Perksey3y ago
actually i think from a static analysis perspective AliasOf might be better
thargy3y ago
I put them both in, normally only one or the other will appear we can always remove they're not required The intrinsics are useful to have around anyway 🤷‍♂️
[NativeName("Name", "VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2")]
[NativeName("Aliases", "PhysicalDeviceFeatures2Khr")]
public unsafe partial struct PhysicalDeviceFeatures2 : IChainStart, IExtendsChain<DeviceCreateInfo>

[NativeName("Name", "VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2")]
[NativeName("AliasOf", "PhysicalDeviceFeatures2")]
public unsafe partial struct PhysicalDeviceFeatures2Khr : IChainStart, IExtendsChain<DeviceCreateInfo>
[NativeName("Name", "VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2")]
[NativeName("Aliases", "PhysicalDeviceFeatures2Khr")]
public unsafe partial struct PhysicalDeviceFeatures2 : IChainStart, IExtendsChain<DeviceCreateInfo>

[NativeName("Name", "VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2")]
[NativeName("AliasOf", "PhysicalDeviceFeatures2")]
public unsafe partial struct PhysicalDeviceFeatures2Khr : IChainStart, IExtendsChain<DeviceCreateInfo>
And that's a complex one as it's both a chain start and a chain extension. Not particularly bloaty. I just have to expand the extensions now with aliases @Deleted User If you look PhysicalDeviceFeatures2Khr has it's NativeName set to VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2, shouldn't that be VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2Khr? That is existing functionality... Wait nope I borked something Lemme look (i.e. it isn't 'existing') DOH fixed it OK Maximum interfaces added (all of them) is 7, and that happened 5 times (all video ones!), e.g.:
[NativeName("Name", "VkVideoDecodeH265ProfileEXT")]
public unsafe partial struct VideoDecodeH265ProfileEXT : IExtendsChain<VideoProfileKHR>, IExtendsChain<QueryPoolCreateInfo>, IExtendsChain<FormatProperties2>, IExtendsChain<FormatProperties2Khr>, IExtendsChain<ImageCreateInfo>, IExtendsChain<ImageViewCreateInfo>, IExtendsChain<BufferCreateInfo>
[NativeName("Name", "VkVideoDecodeH265ProfileEXT")]
public unsafe partial struct VideoDecodeH265ProfileEXT : IExtendsChain<VideoProfileKHR>, IExtendsChain<QueryPoolCreateInfo>, IExtendsChain<FormatProperties2>, IExtendsChain<FormatProperties2Khr>, IExtendsChain<ImageCreateInfo>, IExtendsChain<ImageViewCreateInfo>, IExtendsChain<BufferCreateInfo>
Extending an alias doesn't happen too often, here's one:
[NativeName("Name", "VkPhysicalDeviceAccelerationStructureFeaturesKHR")]
public unsafe partial struct PhysicalDeviceAccelerationStructureFeaturesKHR : IExtendsChain<PhysicalDeviceFeatures2>, IExtendsChain<PhysicalDeviceFeatures2Khr>, IExtendsChain<DeviceCreateInfo>
[NativeName("Name", "VkPhysicalDeviceAccelerationStructureFeaturesKHR")]
public unsafe partial struct PhysicalDeviceAccelerationStructureFeaturesKHR : IExtendsChain<PhysicalDeviceFeatures2>, IExtendsChain<PhysicalDeviceFeatures2Khr>, IExtendsChain<DeviceCreateInfo>
And those aliases:
[NativeName("Name", "VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2KHR")]
[NativeName("AliasOf", "VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2KHR")]
public unsafe partial struct PhysicalDeviceFeatures2Khr : IChainStart, IExtendsChain<DeviceCreateInfo>

[NativeName("Name", "VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2")]
[NativeName("Aliases", "VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2KHR")]
public unsafe partial struct PhysicalDeviceFeatures2 : IChainStart, IExtendsChain<DeviceCreateInfo>
[NativeName("Name", "VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2KHR")]
[NativeName("AliasOf", "VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2KHR")]
public unsafe partial struct PhysicalDeviceFeatures2Khr : IChainStart, IExtendsChain<DeviceCreateInfo>

[NativeName("Name", "VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2")]
[NativeName("Aliases", "VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2KHR")]
public unsafe partial struct PhysicalDeviceFeatures2 : IChainStart, IExtendsChain<DeviceCreateInfo>
So nothing is particularly bloaty tbf All 5 worst offenders ( VideoDecodeH264ProfileEXT, VideoDecodeH265ProfileEXT, VideoEncodeH264ProfileEXT, VideoEncodeH265ProfileEXT, VideoProfileKHR) are effectively that long because they legitimately extend 6 chains already:
- only one of which (FormatProperties2Khr) is an alias (of FormatProperties2) So I think it's not worth stressing about
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
I agree
thargy3y ago
The code is quite complex, but should be bombproof and isn't actually slower, mostly because I changed from building every alias individually to cloning structs to make aliases. So there's an extra loop to build aliases, which is offset entirely by those aliases not being built in the first loop, and the new aliases being clones rather than built from scratch. And a second loop to build chains (which has lots of loops embedded sadly), but again is fast and bombproof. It will expand out aliases regardless of where you start them from. Right, should be able to finish this PR, but not going to have power tomorrow as I'm replacing my consumer box. Hmmm MemoryRequirements2KHR has changed from MemoryRequirements2Khr, seem to be the only I can find though I wonder if it changed in Vk.xml? Ahhh @Deleted User we have another problem There's a few cases where the spec has changed case:
[NativeName("Name", "VkMemoryRequirements2KHR")]
[NativeName("AliasOf", "VkMemoryRequirements2KHR")]
public unsafe partial struct MemoryRequirements2Khr : IChainStart
[NativeName("Name", "VkMemoryRequirements2KHR")]
[NativeName("AliasOf", "VkMemoryRequirements2KHR")]
public unsafe partial struct MemoryRequirements2Khr : IChainStart
But the filesystem is not case sensitive so VkMemoryRequirements2KHR.gen.cs gets overwritten with the class for VkMemoryRequirements2Khr as here (similar for quite a few others) That bug is already there Because I add the aliases after I've built the structs, then the alias version overwrites the non-alias version... Whereas before it was non-deterministic I can, of course, ignore aliases that already exist (case-insensitive) Actually, I can add a file disambiguator to the projectwriter...
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
@Perksey is probably the person to ask here 😅
thargy3y ago
I'm trying to see if I can disambiguate (e.g. add a '2') This is really weird VkMemoryRequirements2Khr appears nowhere in the spec. Oooooo I think there's a naming thing going on like KHR->Khr OK, I think I'm there 🤔
Perksey3y ago
The code in the Naming class is very… delicate… check over your diff to ensure you’re using the same function iirc vulkan struct names use TranslateLite
thargy3y ago
Yup, Its' corrected now In fact it's fully working and compiling now Going to do a draft PR, with just the code changes, then add a commit for the gen changes, to make it easier to review. Hmmmm 🤔 there's actually lots of IChainable structs, that is structs that are not a chain start and don't extend a chain (according to spec). e.g. AccelerationStructureGeometryInstancesDataKHR. These structs currently can't take advantage of the strongly typed chaining system and there are a lot of them. IChainable is any type that has a StructureType SType in position one and T* PNext in position two (any pointer type but usually void*)... There are 208 of them (out of 739)! That's almost 30% 😞
Perksey3y ago
Awesome (on the draft PR)! I’m in office tomorrow so won’t be as active as I usually am throughout the day, will give it a look in the evening though
thargy3y ago
I'm without power tomorrow too Will have a think about what to do with all those 'orphaned' IChainable's OK, for unmanaged chains, I've implemented Any versions, (e.g. AddNextAny, etc.) These can substitute the equivalent non-Any method (e.g. AddNext) whenever you wish to 'loosen' the type checking, e.g. for situations when adding a struct that the specification has defined as an extension. That will handle the 208 other structs nicely. There are still some types like PhysicalDeviceAccelerationStructureFeaturesKHR` with the capitalization, but that appears to be the case in the main branch too -
thargy3y ago
Feature/vulkan struct chaining/2 unmanaged chains by thargy · Pull ...
Summary of the PR Full implementation Proposal 2 Added IReadOnlyList&lt;string&gt; Extends property to StructureDefinition, to store the structextends values. Added string Alias property ...
thargy3y ago
@Perksey did you get a chance to look at the Any idea As I move onto ManagedChain, I'm contemplating a similar concept, i.e. having a ManagedChainAny<T...>
Perksey3y ago
i don't particularly want to cause a type explosion, if there's a way to do this through methods only that would be good but also no i haven't, feel free to link as i'm a bit behind
thargy3y ago That's the Any implementation in unmanaged chains The problem with ManagedChain is that the type constraints are on the type. However, one approach is to make ManagedChain<T..> itself only have the loose constraints (i.e. where T : struct, IChainable,... etc.) and to only put the tight constraints on the factory methods, e.g. ManagedChain.Create ... where TChain : struct, IChainStart, T1: struct, IExtendsChain<TChain> and ManagedChain.CreateAny ... where TChain : struct, IChainable, T1: struct, IChainable That doesn't add any types, and I can possibly do something with adding constraints on the instance methods, or converting them to internal and adding static methods static extension methods I'll have a play @Deleted User I'm not sure if you saw this? Or if it's your bag OK, best approach is - * Make ManagedChain<T...> have 'loose constraints * Make all instance methods internal * Expose all instance methods via static extension methods, default with tight constraints and Any version using loose constraints. This adds no additional types.
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