ccjmk overlay

but for what I wanted I think I needed to append it there so that I can overlay the whole screen
Unknown User817d ago
ccjmk817d ago
will give this a try after work! 🙂 now that you mention it, and pondering it in my mind a little, an app is rendered directly under the body anyway right ? so if I set it to w: 100% h: 100% it should cover the whole screen
Unknown User817d ago
ccjmk817d ago
hmm yeah I think im safe. Im basically putting a div that opaques the whole screen with a little div in the middle for input; click anywhere and it will hide the whole thing, so its not a big deal probably
Unknown User817d ago
ccjmk817d ago
yup, basically this!
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ccjmk817d ago
weird aspect ratio 😛 but its because i have the console open aha I noticed a nice side effect and a bad side effect of turning this into an Application. It fades in (sexy), but scrolls up (horrible xD) any easy way to opt out of that, I don't see anything on the constructor options, I guess it's just overwriting that CSS ?
ccjmk817d ago
ccjmk817d ago
oh its barely noticeable on the video, damn 15 fps hahah
Unknown User817d ago
ccjmk817d ago
I am actually.. well, now at least! Before this was an Application, I had a big render()function that created the div added the event listeners, then used some show/hide() auxiliary functions to toggle it on and off. I moved the template to the construction options, all the event listeners to activateListeners() and kept the hide function, replaced my previous calls to show for render maybe I could keep my show/hide functions and insta-hide it as I render 🤔
Unknown User817d ago
ccjmk816d ago
oh that makes sense
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