Calego781d ago
want to know what sort of benefits this has over the current 'just console log it'
ccjmk781d ago
hmm i don't know if its the same but I did the chrome extension demo 🤓 ... just that hahah
Calego781d ago
List all World Documents, kind of souped up version of "print to console" could be useful A flag editor/document editor which manually updates things?
ccjmk781d ago
I mentioned hooks as a half joke but it would be nice. very level-0 shit, a toggle to log hooks or not
Calego781d ago
yeah but devmode already does that
ccjmk781d ago
yeah but it could replace it 😛
Calego781d ago
agreed, it would have a place in this
ccjmk781d ago
localization shit ? I don't know how accessible it might be
Calego781d ago
debug tools has access to like the profiler and shit I think wonder how a 'custom foundry profiler' might look i know react devtools has stuff like that
ccjmk781d ago
but been able to see maybe the tree of translations could be handy, for like when you are translating a module/system onto another module, so you could double check where each localized text is coming from oh yeah this uses a manifest too, it looks rather similar too, seems to be using service workers on a similar fashion but registering different parts of the API
ccjmk781d ago
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Daniel Thorp780d ago
DF Flag Editor already exists btw
ccjmk779d ago
sure, but I mean, it's totally a module/system dev tool, we could work on integrating it into this devmode or do something similar while im all in for smaller.. more.. emm.. modular? modules in general usage terms, as one game might not require what other does, or one system from another, or even users might prefer other module for doing this or that thingy, the fvtt development space does feel like the right spot to amalgamate these modules into more comprehensive tools.
Calego779d ago
more interested from the perspective of "a chrome extension might work even if the foundry UI fails to initialize"
ccjmk779d ago
didn't even consider that point, also love it
Daniel Thorp779d ago
How often will the UI fail to that degree, but still load module scripts? It's never happened to me that the UI is broken and scripts still load
ccjmk779d ago
I think the goal is that this will not be a module, so it would not go through the same flow
Calego779d ago
^ as a chrome extension it wouldn't be a module at all yeah
Daniel Thorp779d ago
Ah 🤔
ccjmk779d ago
@arcanist this would be implemented using something similar to the PWA thingy you did, uses a similar manifest and shit
Daniel Thorp779d ago
Oh, yeah. You realize that means that users must manually copy the service worker into their Data folder since modules can't download JavaScript there I originally tried putting the service worker in the module folder, but that doesn't work because it's scoped to sub-directories
ccjmk779d ago
Daniel Thorp779d ago
Does it require a service worker?
ccjmk779d ago
as far as I understand (with like a five minute investment of time two days ago) yes
ccjmk779d ago
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