Alternative Alignment System D&D5e

Wow, that is a really powerful way to codify alignment. I like it! Do you have any ideas as to how it could be implemented? I'll make a thread if anyone wants to pitch in but I could probably make this module, just need ideas for how people would want it displayed.
58 Replies
Ethck3y ago
Link for clarity (since for some reason the og message isn't in here:
Alignment Tracking
The most comprehensive description of the Dungeons and Dragons alignment system available online.
Ethck3y ago
Picture for a little clarity:
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Ethck3y ago
I'll tell you my initial ideas: That chart is really cool and helps visualize where the scores actually are, so I'd probably want to be able to see that somehow IN Foundry. If you want to "roll" alignment like the website says, it's probably most useful for their to be an Alignment "button" to click on the main Attributes page (possibly turn the textarea that currently is alignment into a clickable button). There are a LOT of "rules" for this alignment system, and that needs to be in Foundry too somehow. Should it be just tossed into a Journal Entry (in a Compendium) explaining everything, or should there be a specific "Alignment" window that pops up, has toooltips to explain the process, etc.
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Ethck3y ago
Follow up question on this @rufuspiedmont , I have no idea what you mean by "KPI" in the first bullet point.
Ethck3y ago
Here's what I have so far FYI
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Ethck3y ago
Ah, I thought it was a D&D term and Key Performance Indicator was not in my mind with that filter lol
Ethck3y ago
If you have any suggestions, I'm all ears:
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Ethck3y ago
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Ethck3y ago
Not sure if I like the sliders or not, but it helps lend to the idea of a limited spectrum.
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Ethck3y ago
Some updates real quick:
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Ethck3y ago
It now automatically changes the alignment based on your selection when you hit the "Submit" button. @ens0_ I appreciate the +1. Do you have any recommendations on making the table look better? IDK why but it just doesn't "look" right somehow. My main concern with adding additional verbage to the "main" character sheet is how little space there is to work with. I'll try adding in a "E" and "M".
Ethck3y ago
With no other adjustments, here's the E&M.
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enso3y ago
it looks good to me. I can't really think of how I would do it differently. other than maybe making the labels bigger and moving the number to a (disabled) input. like how the opacity slider works in token config
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enso3y ago
oh looks like you did that already haha yeah my only suggestion would be maybe bigger text labels and remove the word "value'
Ethck3y ago
Border adjusted:
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Ethck3y ago
I guess my only issue with a disabled input is that I almost always have problems selecting an exact value with a range slider, and this system can make it easy to only have to add +2 to the value.
enso3y ago
yeah, for a range of 0-100, being able to input an exact number is probably best
Ethck3y ago
They update each other so it should be fine. (e.g. if you type a number it'll update the slider. Slide the slider it'll update the number) Bigger text labels where? In the table?
enso3y ago
"Ethics" and "Morals"
Ethck3y ago
Also, any tips for implementing tooltips for hovers and the ethics and morals values while in the character sheet?
enso3y ago
im a fan of the AC tooltip that dnd5e uses, but I've never tried implementing a custom one myself
Ethck3y ago
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enso3y ago
it could be a single tooltip that appears when hovering the entire alignment element that shows current Ethics and Morals values
Ethck3y ago
You mean this guy?
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enso3y ago
yeah, though that may be overkill for how much info you need to show for alignment
Ethck3y ago
I can just have it say the two numbers + "Ethics" & "Morals" Ooh, should I keep the numbers in the Alignment bar then?
enso3y ago
ooh good point, you could space on the character sheet that way unless it's handy to have the numbers always visible. I'm not familiar with the mechanic
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Ethck3y ago
It's nice to have when you're worried about alignment... which is extremely rarely
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Ethck3y ago
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Ethck3y ago
I definitely agree that it is a bit jargonized, but with the reference sheet just a click away in game I feel like it's less of an issue. and the system isn't that complicated. I feel like everyone is familiar with the + and - minus system so the only complexity comes from the parenthetical notation that basically always means "with tendencies" One question: On the default D&D5e sheet all of the gears by default are hidden until hovered over. Should I follow that practice?
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Ethck3y ago
Got it working on Tidy5e sheet as well:
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Ethck3y ago
Would it be helpful to have a "highlight" on the correct values on the table?
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Ethck3y ago
Correct being whatever the current value would be on the table* In retrospect, that feature would be a lot of work and I'm not sure how helpful it'd actually be. I'd assume most people could quickly determine where on the table they lie. What I CAN do easily is just add a box at the bottom that shows currently selected alignment.
enso3y ago
i was gonna suggest this, but came to the same conclusion
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Ethck3y ago
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Ethck3y ago
Would Alignment go better at the top or is it best where it is? Also, as a side note: is the "Alternative Alignment System" header at the top (NOT the grey bar) necessary? It seems duplicative so I'm inclined to remove it.
Ethck3y ago
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Ethck3y ago
So the link(s) only have descriptions for the "major" players that everyone is familiar with (e.g. Lawful Good, Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Evil) and provides nothing really to describe the more complicated things like "Chaotic Good with Neutral Tendencies". How would you think we could display succinct information while still providing support for the complexities of the system?
Ethck3y ago
Added in some attribution:
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enso3y ago
you could probably do a single chart with the following headings in order: Ethics Description Ethics Score Morals Morals Description
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Ethck3y ago
Would there be values in all 5 columns? I'm slightly confused at what would go in the "Ethics" and the "Morals" columns in this case. I should mention I'm not attached to the name "Alternative Alignment" it was just something I threw together. Making a modular alignment system shouldn't be too hard, but I'll probably do that in a V2 update. This module will just introduce this particular system.
enso3y ago
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Ethck3y ago
oh that! Thanks!
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Ethck3y ago
The "improved" table:
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Ethck3y ago
with automatic descriptions:
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Ethck3y ago
I'm unsure if that "description" text needs a identifier before it (like Ethics, Morals, and Alignment)