1.6.0 - 82%

@dnd5e - No action Required The 1.6.0 milestone is at 82% completion https://gitlab.com/foundrynet/dnd5e/-/milestones/35#tab-issues Notable happenings since the last ping about this (up a bit): - There was a fair sized refactor of the Advancement workflow's API parts. The data stored has not changed as far as I know, but the way the changes are applied to the actor has. - A new SRD tables compendium was added with the Madness tables, as well a few other things If you're at all interested in these things or able to help test things out, please clone down the 1.6.x branch and poke around.
D&D5E 1.6.0 - Character Advancement Choices · Milestones · Foundry ...
An implementation of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition game system for Foundry Virtual Tabletop (http://foundryvtt.com). This work is permitted under the Open...
51 Replies
Calego3y ago
startin a thread
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arbron3y ago
The plan is to switch max HP over to an entirely calculated value in the next version, but that will have to wait until we get the HP management app built
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arbron3y ago
Subclasses are in, but currently there is no way to choose them during the advancement process, they have to be dragged on manually Selecting those, and other arbitrary features will happen in the next version
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arbron3y ago
Yeah, the data format for the advancements is solid now so there should be no issue beginning work on the importer
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Calego3y ago
Correct, for the moment the item grant flow replicates the current "dumb" flow of the class feature level up stuff. There are thoughts and plans for things that will handle choices, scaling values, item modifications, etc.
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Calego3y ago
Monks, rogues are the easy thoughts, are there any other you can think of off the top of your head?
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Ikaguia3y ago
Barbarian rage dmg and uses
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Ikaguia3y ago
Druid ws cr and uses
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Calego3y ago
Mmmm good thoughts
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Ikaguia3y ago
Would it be possible to have those as terms you can acess via @ tags?
Calego3y ago
So gotta make it useful for more than just dice size or number of dice
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Ikaguia3y ago
So, monk could use 2d(@madice) for the Tasha healfor example
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Calego3y ago
Guessing fixed value would be for rage bonuses
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Ikaguia3y ago
I would argue martial arts should be just the die size stored, since its used for more features than just the unarmed strikes
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arbron3y ago
Scale value should be coming in 1.6, just doing the final reviews
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arbron3y ago
Ours is a bit simpler:
identifier: "inspiration",
scale: { 1: "d6", 5: "d8", 10: "d10", 15: "d12" }
identifier: "inspiration",
scale: { 1: "d6", 5: "d8", 10: "d10", 15: "d12" }
Scale values will be accessible like @scale.monk.die for a monk's martial arts die, or @scale.barbarian.rages for number of rages
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arbron3y ago
The data is going to be stored in ScaleValue advancement types
arbron3y ago
Advancement Type: Scale Value (#1406) · Issues · Foundry Network / ...
The Scale Value advancement would provide an arbitrary set of data that changes as a level changes and is made available in roll data. A more...
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Leo The League Lion
@mrprimate gave vote LeaguePoints™ to @arbron (#68 • 26)
Calego3y ago
you're a beast dude, a thousand thanks
Leo The League Lion
@calego gave vote LeaguePoints™ to @arbron (#66 • 27)
Ikaguia3y ago
This look real nice, thanks
Leo The League Lion
@ikaguia gave vote LeaguePoints™ to @arbron (#66 • 28)
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Leo The League Lion
@max.pat gave vote LeaguePoints™ to @arbron (#66 • 29)
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Calego3y ago
This one at least is intentional for now. Not sure what the plan for nested advancement is but I know it's not there yet
arbron3y ago
Triggering advancements from items granted by other advancements is not going to happen until 1.7 when we'll also be adding a specific SubclassAdvancement type
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Leo The League Lion
@max.pat gave vote LeaguePoints™ to @arbron (#65 • 30)
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arbron3y ago
If you are using update to modify the data.advancements directly, you’ll need to create your own ID Otherwise you can use createAdvancement, but that only works one at a time
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Leo The League Lion
@mrprimate gave vote LeaguePoints™ to @arbron (#58 • 35)
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