1.6.0 testing

Community Testing Requests: For those of you interested in helping to QA this branch, I'll put together a list of stuff I think we're most concerned about in a thread.
51 Replies
Calego3y ago
New Stuff to Test: Advancements - Double check that editing advancements works on Class and Subclass Items - Verify that advancement forwards and backwards works as expected on Character Actors --- Older Stuff I consider a Critical Flow for smoke testing: Item Usage - Rolling an Item - Rolling Attacks - Rolling Damage In particular verify that any scale values referenced in such fields work as expected. Actor Creation and Editing - NPC, Character, and Vehicle - Sheets should all still open and modify fields as expected Item Creation and Editing - Verify that Class Items and Subclass Items can be created (as well as the other kinds of items from before) - Double check that existing items are still editable Token - Verify that token attributes can be edited correctly, damage applied, effects, etc.
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Calego3y ago
How are you deleting/leveling down? Via the core sheet or via macro?
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Calego3y ago
try something for me: 1. Close and re-open the sheet after adding an advancement 2. (if that doesn't make the confirm thing work), refresh after adding the advancement
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Calego3y ago
curious. ticket time thanks @max.pat 😉 lmk when ticket made and I'll put milestones and stuff on it
Leo The League Lion
@calego gave vote LeaguePoints™ to @max.pat (#221 • 2)
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kaelad3y ago
I was just going to comment on the Monk as well. I built a custom class, the Pugilist, and was going through the advancement stuff. I was looking at the Monk for inspiration and found two things: 1. the "Unarmed Strike (Monk)" weapon in the "Items (SRD)" should change it's damage to 1@scale.monk.die, like MaxPat said to make crits work 2. the "Unarmed Strike (Monk)" weapon should be added to the level 1 features so it's added to a Monk's character sheet Either fix is fine, adding the 1 to the scaling value or in front of the damage roll (although the latter looks weird) If the scaling value is named die, then maybe just d6 is better. The decider could be if any other Monk features use the unarmed strike die for something else (e.g. a feature says to roll 3 unarmed strike dice) found a few subclass features that ask you to roll multiple Martial Arts die: Breath of the Dragon, Ascendant Aspect, Arms of the Astral Self
arbron3y ago
That is why the scale value doesn’t include a dice count by default I agree that we should include a unarmed strike attack
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arbron3y ago
Huh, they should be able to
kaelad3y ago
Can confirm, the only option I had when clicking the plus sign was Grant Items
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Calego3y ago
arbron3y ago
The benefits of 🎵 tEsTiNg 🎵
kaelad3y ago
I will create one
Calego3y ago
❤️ you guys for pulling this down and giving it a run through
kaelad3y ago
was going to just ask for Scale Value, but we might want to add Hit Points too since the Draconic Bloodline sorcerer also gets 1 extra HP per level
kaelad3y ago
Advancement on a subclass can only grant items (#1487) · Issues · F...
Testing 1.6.x branch and found out that on a subclass, the only advancement you can add is Grant Items. There are a few subclasses that could use Scale...
kaelad3y ago
Too bad race items didn't make it, the Hill Dwarf could get their extra 1hp per level and some spellcasting that comes at later levels could be useful (e.g. Tiefling)
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arbron3y ago
The active effect for bonus rage damage and monk's unarmored movement cannot reference the scale values because active effects in core don't allow @ formulas in the value fields of scale value Not sure how useful scale value for a fighter's extra attack is given that that particular number wouldn't actually be used anywhere
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arbron3y ago
Are you using DAE?
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arbron3y ago
Hmm, oh, I know why It's cause it is just adding the @ formula directly into the roll formula, and then resolving it there
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arbron3y ago
So many plusses
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arbron3y ago
Gotta make sure you add + before the active effect in rage 🙂
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arbron3y ago
Just glad someone is testing it, been working on this release since October, nice to have fresh eyes 😵‍💫
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Leo The League Lion
@max.pat gave vote LeaguePoints™ to @arbron (#61 • 32)
Calego3y ago
1.6.0 level up dropdown doesn't always stick (#1490) · Issues · Fou...
Create a character and apply a class item to them. Level that character up to level 5, complete advancement prompts. Observe that the dropdown...
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Calego3y ago
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Calego3y ago
smells like a race condition Also, have you always been able to add items to actors in locked compendia via drag and drop?
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Calego3y ago
testing in a non dev env yep, that works. kk not a regression
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Calego3y ago
well you can't edit anything else on an actor in a locked compendium, so I didn't expect to be able to drop new items on them
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Calego3y ago
Ooook, now I can't reproduce the level up dropdown bug. Is this something developermode is causing???
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Calego3y ago
Should open a ticket for this Not really, I think maybe there's a vague hope for a more dedicated "spell list" mechanism. Haven't heard anything specific but that's my vague hope at least :)
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arbron3y ago
I don't think we should add spell lists until we have proper support for it, like the ability to ensure the spellcasting ability is appropriate for multi-classing, preparation mode is properly set, players have the ability to easily skip adding spells without having to unclick each one individually, and modules have a way to add spells to the spell list in a proper standardized way
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