1.6.1 testing

@dnd5e Testing Action Requested but not required. version 1.6.1 is a bugfix version, it's pretty close to complete at the moment and release is likely soon™. If you're the sort who likes being on the bleeding edge and testing that fixes are fixed, now's the time. Milestone: https://gitlab.com/foundrynet/dnd5e/-/milestones/49#tab-issues
Calego726d ago
Thread start
zeel726d ago
vote @calego, killing it with the 5e updates.
Leo The League Lion726d ago
@lordzeel gave vote LeaguePoints™ to @calego (#1 • 1484)
Calego725d ago
my middle name is 'webhook' when translated into ancient elven Did some quick testing and seems good and calm to me. Nothing groundbreaking in this batch, though it does un-break some legacy classfeatures overrides.
Unknown User725d ago
ccjmk725d ago
for some reason "tiebreaker - tie broken" brought a smile to my face ahahah
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