Cypress Fun

Yeah, unfortunately it ain't that simple 😅 Cypress, like you say, automatically retries things, and it already has a default timeout of 4s. The reason I have a bunch of cy.wait() (which isn't an ideal solution) is to wait for Foundry render animations to finish. When an element is rendered, Cypress will detect it and proceed with the test, but if it isn't fully visible, then that can lead to some weird behavior. That's why changing the timeout of cy.get() doesn't really do anything, as Cypress will detect the element anyway. I specifically want to wait for it to finish its rendering animation.
Unknown User•709d ago
Re4XN•709d ago
Ah, that might just allow me to bypass the hangup at login 🤔 I'll test it out and see what happens!
Unknown User•708d ago
Re4XN•708d ago
I guess it's a difference of philosophy. I've used Cypress for a bit and haven't really run into a situation where I missed awaits. I actually strayed away from Playwright/Puppeteer because I couldn't be bothered to spam the await keyword everywhere xD
Unknown User•708d ago
Re4XN•708d ago
Yeah, it takes a while to run unless you do it headless. My system setup takes 40s and I haven't even got to testing rolls 😬
Unknown User•708d ago
Re4XN•708d ago
It does include that
Unknown User•708d ago
Re4XN•708d ago
I'll have to take a look when I get back home xD What time is it over there? It seems our timezones are wildly different, I haven't been able to catch you to do voice, ahahah
Unknown User•708d ago
Re4XN•708d ago
I think you can do it by passing env variables to your run command and having that variable in Gitlab/GitHub secrets. Can't recall it off the top of my head, though
Unknown User•708d ago
Re4XN•708d ago
I think you might be able to combine Cypress with something like Jest to get the full package of testing. I've never really used Cypress for anything other than E2E, so not sure if I can help in this regard 😅 But since Cypress runs in browser, I find it odd you can't access game 🤔
Unknown User•708d ago
Re4XN•708d ago
Ah, I see the issue. No clue how to work around that though, sorry
Unknown User•708d ago
Re4XN•708d ago
That's pretty dope. My system has a dependency on socketlib for one important functionality. But still, I think I'd prefer enabling the module the way a system user would, i.e. by navigating menus and clicking the checkboxes and buttons. It feels more in line with the whole E2E concept, I think 😅
Unknown User•708d ago
Re4XN•708d ago
If you want to hop in voice I'm available now. I still haven't managed to get things to run headless.
Unknown User•708d ago
Re4XN•708d ago
Power went out I might be a few mins
Unknown User•707d ago
Re4XN•707d ago
Hmm, that makes sense, but I don't think I'm changing origins within my tests 🤔 If that were the case, then the same would happen when not running headless, right?
Unknown User•707d ago
Re4XN•707d ago
Yeah, I have. If I run the Electron browser then Foundry doesn't pop the warning, so I assume it is enabled by default on that browser. At least, I haven't had any issues on Electron, as opposed to Edge, for example. I only ever have these issues on headless mode, though. When running the application I can test all browsers with no issues.
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