[SOLVED] How Do I make a thumb Nail?

How Do I make a thumb Nail? And what FREE software I should use
18 Replies
You can a free website like Photopea (which is similar to PhotoShop), or Canva
Mr. Morgana
Mr. Morgana3y ago
Okay Thank You
I would really recommend Canva for its easy features and accesabillity. Took me a little while to get used to the interface but compared to what i used earlier Canva is superior. After I got the hang of Canva basics i redid almost 120 thumbnails for my channel and i'm SO much happier with the way things look now 👍
VeryLowPoly3y ago
there's a program called "paint.net" that I use, which comes with quite a few features for a free "photoshop-like" program. It also has compatibility for plugins the community would make for it
No description
VeryLowPoly3y ago
make sure the image is at least 1280x720
DataMaru3y ago
I can recommend Canva for beginners. It's pretty easy to use. If you prefer more advanced stuff then you can use Photopea
aizoku2y ago
If you have an iPhone I can recommend using an app called ibis paint, use the free version. You can easily make thumbnails by adding a photo, cropping, cutting, erasing, drawing, typing
PromethX2y ago
I use paint.net too. but there are certainly more sophisticated softwares too.
VeryLowPoly2y ago
I agree for sure. I try to set Paint.net as a standard in my book lol at least for beginners (which I didn't know you were aware :/ my bad, I assumed) because it's really flexible and easy to maneuver
Canva is a good site for making thumbnail but they have certain limitation on the free content. However, if you want a free ome and if you've Microsoft Powerpoint installed then you can use it to make thumbnails and export them as JPEG. You can save a template ppt and then use the SAVE AS option to create other thumbnails using the template
manic!2y ago
I have made so many using GIMP not even photoshop tbh
GhostPlays8802y ago
I use GIMP
Iceberg John
Iceberg John2y ago
I use Pixlr, which is basically a web version of photoshop
Kung Fu Andy
Kung Fu Andy2y ago
Like many others, I use GIMP. It is not that user friendly, but it is easy to learn.
Ozegis2y ago
Canva and Photopea work, but are web-based. My recommendation is a free GNU software like Gimp (weird name, but trust me, it works) it gets consistent updates, is free, and there’s no ads.
Mental Evolution Gaming
i started with picsart
That's a new one, will look into it
i use photoshop to make thumbnail