Embed mentions in interactions

When replying to an interaction using an emoji mention (<:name:id> and/or <:_:id>) the emoji mention doesn't get resolved and shows :name: or :_: depending whether you also provide the emoji name. This happens inside embeds and content. However, when I test this with a standard message, this issue does not occur. Is this issue discord or discord.js related?
4 Replies
chewie 🌈
chewie 🌈•2y ago
the @ everone role needs perms for external emojis
Seren_Modz 21
Seren_Modz 21•2y ago
unfortunately, the guild we use to test said interactions already has the external emojis perm for the everyone role
chewie 🌈
chewie 🌈•2y ago
thats the only possible cause of that other than that the bot has no access to the emoji
Seren_Modz 21
Seren_Modz 21•2y ago
right, ok thank u for replying