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Which version of lab running pip install

Which version of lab? running !pip install will install it in the kernel environment, if the lab server is is in a different environment, it still not installed there if you're in the scenario of different environments for server and kernel.

Thanks how could I programatically set

Thanks ! how could I programatically set theme from Python side ?

it seems to be functional not sure I

it seems to be functional. not sure I understand the downside of my current approach. but fixing anyway

3 what s the best way to implement `push

3. what's the best way to implement push notification ? is it something like this ? and is it run as an OS thread or a greenlet in eventloop ? ``` @solara.component def Page(): push_notifications = solara.use_reactive([])...

2 when I create a module level reactive

2. when I create a module level reactive var like x = solara.reactive(None), is it application wide or session wide ? seems like application wide, how could I get a session wide var on Python side ?

couple of questions around session

couple of questions around session management: 1. I found Solara manages session via cookie which is good, could we figure out a standard way to expose session_id to application layer ? for me, my first thing on my web app is to set session id via localstorage and wait for the value before rendering anything, I think the Solara managed session is just perfect for my need to identify a session....

I m not sure what you mean but changing

I'm not exactly sure what you mean, but changing the value from the backend would look something like this: ``` import solara import ipyreact ...

hey solara team looking into state

hey solara team looking into state documentation. It seems solara.reactive is session based as in if i refresh it resets. Is there a way to have shared state between sessions (browser refresh, etc) without using a database? Is it using the cache storage?

hope to know when we will get this fixed

hope to know when we will get this fixed. I am developing some demo with Solara and don't want to see this when show the demo to the executives.

The timer thread is an infinte loop That

The timer thread is an infinte loop. That's the only loop I know of. And the timer isn't a problem when only using one second ticks to update the Markdown displayed time. The fifteen minute ticks cause no problem until they are used to trigger the component update. I don't touch the render function. I can show you more of the code @MaartenBreddels. Should I paste it here?

I m trying to run Solara as Embedding in

I'm trying to run Solara as "Embedding in an existing Starlette application" and when I go to /solara I get "too many redirects. Any hints?

btw working with Layout and routes was a

btw, working with Layout and routes was a pain in my case. One problem was it didn't use the Layout from the __init__ file. I ended up writing autorouting.DefaultLayout = MyLayout and that worked

Question regarding the `component vue` I

Question regarding the component_vue - I'm trying to create a Box component that will auto scroll to the bottom when children change, but so far I haven't managed to render children in it. I was expecting them to appear in the <slot> of the vue component, but nothing shows up there

Hi I’ve been trying to add background

Hi. I’ve been trying to add background image to my page. I created a script which contain a tag that has background-image specified. I then add the CSS variable in solara.Style. However, the background-image just doesn’t load. All the rest of the CSS I defined in the script works except for the background image. Wonder if anyone has any idea on this. Thanks!

Another question I m trying to attach

Another question, I'm trying to attach keydown listener to TextArea (so that I can submit when "Enter" but allow Shift+Enter to do the default multi-line handling) According to ipyvuetify docs ( I should be able to do: ``` text_area = rv.TextArea(...) text_area.on_event('keydown', handler)...

I m using IntelliJ

I'm using IntelliJ


``` from typing import List, cast import plotly ...

No error populates to python itself but

No error populates to python itself, but I get a bunch in console. I ran into a similar issue when testing out bokeh as a solution and it ended up just being the incline resource solution I sent before