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is there a demo or best enviroment

is there a demo or best enviroment setting for jupyterlab with routes or layout? i try to print some info but got nothing... import solara ...

multiple terminals synchronization

I'm sorry, it really cannot tell from this what the problem is. If you can make an isolated example, it doesn't take me a lot of time to try to understand the problem, so I can focus on trying to find a solution.

@iisakkirotko what do you think of that?

@iisakkirotko what do you think of that?

what can I do next to test how it works

what can I do next to test how it works?... I check in both pc and cellphone ,the sidebar is still here by default
No description

Very good questions, will get back to

Very good questions, will get back to you on this.

Solara on databricks

Hi all, I would like to use Solara on Azure Databricks. I have run several examples and I can get some to work using the workarounds found on the github, but I am getting quite inconsistent results. Sometimes I get the error 'Error displaying widget: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'buffer')'. Also running this example code: `import as px import solara ...

Hey all. I have this piece of code and

Hey all. I have this piece of code and can't quite seem to figure out why it's behaving the way it is. ```python import solara ...
No description

Does anyone know how I might interact

Does anyone know how I might interact with anywidgets widgets in solara? I can make one: ```python class CounterWidget(anywidget.AnyWidget): # Widget front-end JavaScript code...

Hi, can you tell me where to dig to add

Hi, can you tell me where to dig to add supabase auth?

when embedded with FastAPI is there a

when embedded with FastAPI is there a different port that Solara loads or it's the same port as uvicorn?

Llama2 Chatbot

I'll create a thread here with the source so it doesn't clutter the chat


Hello, I've been using a separate thread to run a long computation process in my application using solara.use_thread. The idea is to keep the UI responsive and prevent server disconnects. I've attached a simplified flow diagram of my setup. However, I'm experiencing inconsistent behavior. Sometimes the process runs perfectly for a long time, but at other times, it crashes almost immediately or after a short while....

For logged on users I want to give users

For logged on users. I want to give users the flexibility of saving the results (basically a nested dictionary with regular and reactive objects mixed) into their AWS S3 buckets. They will reload it later.

Well I am definitely on the right track

Well, I am definitely on the right track hahaha. This is exactly the approach I took.

another question i just want to combine

another question , i just want to combine cross filter with map (leafmap) however I couldn't make it work: filter, _set_filter = solara.use_cross_filter(id(df))
solara.CrossFilterSelect(df, "class") solara.CrossFilterSelect(df, "name")...

2 No if you put in a top level dict not

2) No, if you put in a top level dict (not reactive) in a module, every user sees the same dictionary. The only problem with that is that you cannot get an event when the data changes, but you could do a proxy. I can give some example code in a thread that doesn't work yet, but might get the idea across better. 4) Not yet, but coming! (see also the new thread)...

If I ve setup an app with multiple pages

If I've setup an app with multiple pages using Solara's routing, is there an easy way to redirect a user to a certain page? For example, say I'd want to show a popup and then, after some few seconds, redirect the user to the home page.

Thank you for your answer but next

Thank you for your answer, but next question, why display(button) from widget on solara component doesn' t appear on my codes: import solara import ipywidgets as widgets ...

would be very happy to be a guinnea pig

would be very happy to be a guinnea pig 😄