Satisfactory Modding


Satisfactory Modding

Modding community for Satisfactory, the factory building and exploration game by Coffee Stain.





Powerpoint Icon Template

This is heavily based on, but instead of using Photoshop it uses PowerPoint. Because why not

Migrating an UE Enumerator to C++

I recently had a need to migrate an Unreal Editor Enumeration to C++ and had no intention of manually changing every reference for my own sanity. I figured out the following table-cloth-swap magic trick to swap enums with minimal manual tweaking: Preparation: - Back up everything. Seriously! Do that git commit, make a zip, whatever....

Blender -> UE5 rig tool

Found this a while back when playing with some character rigging stuff. The linked video covers only the barest minimum of how to use the addon, but should be sufficient to get started if you have some knowledge of Blender Blender Addon link: Tutorial video link:

ModProfile Profiling Lib

Simple header-only lib to allow simple profiling of C++ methods within your mod I wasn't really happy with Unreal Insights or Jetbrains profiling tools as they tend to take more time to get the information I need in a modding context. This is much simpler and straightforwards. This library simply outputs the method name and the execution time into your log:...


The ben🌱ui website has a bunch of well-made Unreal tutorials and documentation, especially on the behavior of the Unreal specifiers with examples. Check them out here:

Helpful UE5 Plugins

If you have any that you use, please post them here as well! Graph Formatter (to automatically format Blueprint Nodes) - Thanks to SirDigby for finding this if you want to support that dev, but it's also open-source and hosted on github at

Deantendo's icon template.

Here's my PSD template for icons and some general instructions. The PSD is for CreativeCloud versions of Photoshop only, though it may work in Affinity Photo (great app) or other software. Your experience may vary. File presented as-is with no support. No need to credit if you use it. ...

TObjectIterators the speedy-er way

So as best I understand, in general using
for (TObjectIterator<UStaticMeshComponent> It; It; ++It)
for (TObjectIterator<UStaticMeshComponent> It; It; ++It)
is bad - it's not a good idea to iterate all the UStaticMeshComponents (in a fresh save there's about 10k of them) or whatever other component you want to iterate over, but sometimes it seems somewhat unavoidable for whatever reason. I just wanted to share the results of my profiling in case it helps...

Draw Abstract Instances in Editor

Hey I found a new way to draw the Abstract Instances in the Editor. Since the provided code is broken in AFGBuildable. Also this way doesn't need to edit the Header of CSS: AccessTransformers.ini: ```ini...
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How to make your own Factory Tick ish group

This might be valuable for anyone needing to make their own factory tick ish thing. Yes I know I am not following some C++ / Unreal style guides. I've been writing javascript for way to many years and your standards are ick to me lol. You should look at using Factory Tick first. This is for special situations where what you want to do does not fall into the patterns of Factory Tick like moving items between inventories without using belts. The Subsystem holds a list of everything we want to tick in this group and calls tick on them....

StreamDeck Actions for Devs

Here's the actions that I'm using for StreamDeck to speed up my development process. While they may or may not work on your machine, they should give you a starting point of how to configure them. They're not yet perfectly "tuned in" as I just made them yesterday and haven't hit all the possible edge cases, but sooner or later I will. I am using the following Plugins for these: Window Actions BarRaider Super Macro...
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ModLog Logging Library

I put together a somewhat dirty logging library that allows you to write clean logs to external files. It's got both blueprint and C++ callable methods. It could certainly use some improvements but may be handy...

Resource Node Related Knowledge (Vanilla and Modded)

AFGResourceNode Classnames Could be handy for making custom spawners/despawners or randomizing node locations etc Vanilla Resource types: ```Gas - EResourceForm::RF_GAS:...

debug box

This is how I am drawing debug boxes. I add a component to an actor here but you could just as easily spawn a static mesh actor.
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Run UE console commands on dedicated server start

@Panakotta00 figured out a workaround, so cross-posting it in here

Quixel megascans for free Now that FAB is out, they are giving away Quixel megascans until the end of 2k24, ngl they do be kinda hot and maybe someone will make a good use of them...
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Retrieve the name of an input and keep it when it get changed

Just a small screenshot of how i did for one of my mods, hope that may help someday The event is called after loaded a save, when the player get's the control of the character, then everytime the input settings are edited...
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PasteBin for Unreal Engine Blueprints

Great for sharing and helping others see your blueprints

Better Dedicated Server API Documentation

After working on my API interface and finding all the issues I have redone the documentation to answer some of the questions I had to find the hard way. about 75% complete.


This is a PHP class designed to make it easier to implement API calls from a web server.