The Iris Project


The Iris Project

This server is all about the development and community around Iris Shaders!


cant open the file

when i try to open iris it just sends me to this instead and i have tryed searching for a tutorial on how to fix it with no luck what so ever so i was hopeing that you guys could help me
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Iris Installation Issue

When i download or try to download iris from the Universal Jar it just sends me a file and not the installer I've tried chrome, opera GX, and internet explorer all having the same issue

Parallax occlusion "seam" between blocks with block variations.

Hi! I've been searching for a while about a peculiar quirk, and I'm not sure if it is intended or not, so I've come here. Is it a known issue that parallax textures don't work well with block variations? Using Iris 1.8.5, BSL shaders (And also complementary), and the resource pack SPBR, there might be a "seam" between two parallax textures on textures with block variations. It's like the "right" texture is expecting another variation of the "left" texture, but because of the mismash it doesn't work sometimes. A friend of mine using similar mods (not sure of the version numbers) also has this issue. I'm on linux with AMD GPU, and he is on Windows with an Nvidia GPU....
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Crash at the loading

Hello! My game crashes on launch since I put iris mod + sodium from curse forge. I can't find the solution to fix it. I play in 1.20.1! Thanks...
Install Indium, see if things work out. Many mods requires Indium to work with Sodium.
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Game not launching with iris 1.8.5 and sodium 6.6.0 (1.21.4) lithium is also not working but i care more about iris working...
i found it! it was ticktweaks that was causing the problem, clean f3 / midnight lib also was causing a problem but it works fine now without those 3!

What might cause this flickering?

Running Fabric on 1.21.1 with Complementary Shaders - Unbound.

inner parts of trapdoors having xray issue

shader: complementary 5.4 + euphoria 1.5.1 pbr pack: ultimacraft anyone know how to fix this? its annoying me a lot...
if so disable blockstate culling in the config @Festive R2-iDiot2
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Issue with Iris and Flywheel causing a memory access violation as soon as I enable shaders

This only started happening recently, and it seems to have something to do with flywheel compatibility. I reinstalled Iris, Create, Flywheel Compat, and the shader pack and did a fresh MC install and the issue still persists. Shaders worked perfectly fine on the previous version of this modpack, although I don't think Iris or Flywheel Compat changed versions between that version and the new one. Link to the crash report:

Game crashing upon loading shaders 1.21.1 neoforge

Iris v.1.8.1, sodium v.0.6.5 using complementary reimagined (also tried unbound)

Game crashes randomly and the crashlog mentions iris

I'm pretty sure its an issue regarding the nigthly build of distant horizons since its the only mod I can think about that could give an error. When I'm playing it sometimes just crashes randomly, it sometimes happens when I get hit by a mob while sleeping and sometimes it just happens without reason. Im using Complementary unbound + Euphoria patches...

screen is mirroring and i dont know how to fix it

i have sodiu, iris, dh and bliss shaders on with terralith and tectonic

Iris 1.8.5+1.21.4-neoforge broken on 1.21.3

Marked as supported for 1.21.3 on Modrinth, mixin errors.
Mixin apply for mod iris failed mixins.iris.json:texture.MixinAbstractTexture from mod iris -> net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.AbstractTexture: org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.throwables.InvalidMixinException @Shadow field minFilter was not located in the target class net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.AbstractTexture. No refMap loaded.
Mixin apply for mod iris failed mixins.iris.json:texture.MixinAbstractTexture from mod iris -> net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.AbstractTexture: org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.throwables.InvalidMixinException @Shadow field minFilter was not located in the target class net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.AbstractTexture. No refMap loaded.

How to remove Iris

i want my shaders tab back lol


With any shader, i will be running for 10-30 mins, and then it will subsequently crash, i am running on about 100-130fps the error message says: This crash may be caused by an out of date graphics driver, or conflicts with screen recording software Exit code:-1073740791...

issue with custom dimension

every time i try to load a shader iris shoots out this issue - I'm making my own datapack custom dimension and shaders aren't loading, im suspecting its iris but don't know for sure.
[17:20:04] [Render thread/ERROR] [Iris/]: Attempted to load dimension folder the_air_plane for dimension the_elemental_planes:the_air_plane, but it does not exist!
[17:20:04] [Render thread/ERROR] [Iris/]: Attempted to load dimension folder the_air_plane for dimension the_elemental_planes:the_air_plane, but it does not exist!

trying to get iris and distant horizens to work with fabric

i have been trying to get them both to work on 1.20.1 and all fixes and work arounds i have found are for forge
never mind the forums i found seem to have all been outdated , its working now

No Text on Signs, Character, or Item Rendering with Bliss

I'm using the latest builds of sodium + Iris along with DH compatible Bliss on 1.21.4 and I get no text on signs, my model doesn't appear when in third person, and many items / particle effects are invisible. Most other shaders do work. Anyone have any insight on how to fix this?
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Shaders for neoforge 1.20.4

Hey guys i was looking for a mod for shaders on neoforge 1.20.4 and someone mentioned Iris shaders but i cant find it for this version does anyone has any idea how to install shaders on neo for this specific verison? I am playing with mods