🧩 Plasmo Developers


🧩 Plasmo Developers

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Dynamic Configuration

Is there a way to dynamically generate the manifest. For example, if I'm doing a build, I'd want certain variables to be omitted, like the host, localhost, but for dev I'd want that to be in there. Is this possible?

Help needed In API call from extension

I am building and extension with plasmo I have one csui where I have all my code. I want to sent a request to my server, after finding it I found that messaging can be used for that my structure look like |---contents/ | |--App.tsx...
Adeel Ehsan
Adeel Ehsan1/16/2024

Is there any way I can open the react component in the new tab?

I have react based extension and I want to open a component in the new tab. Is that possible ?

How can I listen for messages from the extension popup in ALL (there could be many) active contents?

I have the following configuration for a UI content-script (although I don't actually need the UI -- the content script is only used to add listeners for UI interactions and instrument HTTP requests from the injected page automatically, it just seemed like the messaging hooks might be more ergonomic): ```ts export const config: PlasmoCSConfig = { matches: ["<all_urls>"], world: "MAIN",...

Can anyone code review my extension

https://github.com/Tricked-dev/betternexus i feel like im doing a bunch of things wrong that could be improved can anyone look at my extension and tell me what i can do to improve the codebase / make it more reobust?

Including remotely hosted code in a Manifest V3 item.

Hello @louis I've created a web extension using plasmo. And after successfully completing the extension I am uploading it on chrome web store over there I am getting the following rejection email. I've been banging my head around this issue a lot from past few weeks but I am unable to resolve it. And for some reason the storage permission is getting while generating build even though I am not adding in the manifest which is another reason for extension getting rejected from the web store. I am not sure if I am missed something. I am newbie to extensions I would really be greatful to your help. Can you please help me identify the issue? And please help me resolve it? Following is my manifest ``` { "icons": {...

Ant-design elements are affected by CSS on different websites, how do I fix this?

Hello everyone, I have implemented the drawer menu of ant-design on google.com and github.com. However, it seems like the css of github has affected the "Some contents..." <p> element inside the drawer menu on github. The problem is fixed when I delete the <head> on github.com. From this, I understand that the css of github is affecting my shadowdom. How can I solve this? Please check out the video attached. Code source:...
Bastian S
Bastian S11/28/2023

Whats the best way to communicate between Content Scripts?

I use Plasmo for injecting multiple CSUI scripts into a webpage. For example I use one CSUI to add a button to the toolbar and another one to display a sidebar on the page. Whats the best/easiest way to make the mounted React components from different CSUI scripts to interact with each other? For example, when the injected button is pressed the injected sidebar should be toggled. Thanks!...

_empty.%.js file generating under build/chrome-mv3-dev?

Not sure what I did to cause this file to generate, but it creates a Load Package Error in chrome and boots my extension entirely. I tried going back a few commits despite them all running successful and this didn’t fix the issue, so no packages/files I added caused this from what I understand. Any ideas yall?

How to import manually contentScript inside background.js

How i can import content script inside my background in the onInstalled event, my problem is because Plasmo generate the content script with a hash at runtime, for example, contentScript.4a4a5554.js, so, this way I cant import because of this hash. There is no way to know this hash or generate files without this hash? ``` chrome.scripting.executeScript({ target: { tabId: id || 0 },...

Custom font loading in Content Script

Hello all, just starting using Plasmo and I'm loving it. I'm currently trying to make a persisten content script. My font.css I have font declarations @font-face {...} using a woff2 font. and in content.tsx i havethis simple config ```{ matches: ["<all_urls>"], css: ["font.css"], run_at: "document_start"...

Injecting CSUI dynamically

Is it possible to inject CSUI into a website programmatically and not statically via PlasmoCSConfig API? PlasmoCSConfig requires one to declare the URL of the websites which will be targeted, but what can I do in situation in which I determine whether to inject the CSUI during the runtime? i.e. my goal is to inject the CSUI with simple text to any visited website if current time is later than 1pm....

how to make dragable popup?

I noticed that the Email finder chrome extension browser action popup is draggable. How can I make my own chrome extension do the same thing? I can't seem to find anything in the chrome extension docs.

How did this Plasmo extension remove the white border frame around the popup?

https://github.com/pacholoamit/VRNBLTY I have looked for ways to remove it and every answer online says it is impossible....

How send message from background to content script UI

My background.js ``` chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function (tabId, changeInfo, tab) { // read changeInfo data and do something with it (like read the url) if (changeInfo.url) {...
No description

Firebase Auth with Apple sign-in

Hi all. I'm writing my first extension using plasma. This is very cool and has brightened my life in many ways). But there is one point that I just can’t solve. I need to implement authorization for Google and Apple. I'm using Firebase Auth. There were no problems with Google authorization. I followed the guide I found on the Plozmo website. But I can’t connect Firebase Auth with Apple Sign In. I can't use external scripts in 3 manifest. Redirect doesn't work either. Maybe someone has encountere...

Typing F into content scripts UI chatbox fullscreens the video player on the page.

Hi, I am coding an extension on coursera.org in which I use content scripts UI to embed a button into the page that upon pressing, an embedded chatbox popup opens up. However, my problem is that I cannot type anything with the letter "F" as it automatically fullscreens the video embedded into the page. I was wondering if there is a fix for that. If not, something I have looked into is instead of making the chatbox embedded into the page, it would open up in a new draggable "mini" window, however...

Combining css from multiple packages in CSUI

Having some trouble getting the https://github.com/onesine/react-tailwindcss-select component working in CSUI container. I'm also using tailwind CSS and not sure what the best way to combine CSS imports is from the top level? ``` import cssText from 'data-text:~style.css';...

`@plasmohq/storage` module

Where does it save things?

Looking for a Plasmo developer

Hi there! I had a developer transition my extension into Plasmo, but he never finished it and disappeared. The extension is a bookmarking tool with google authentication!