🧩 Plasmo Developers


🧩 Plasmo Developers

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Debugging plasmo source code

Hi! Any guidelines/steps to follow to be able to successfully debug plasmo source code (also being able to use breakpoints?). Does a custom launch.json exist?CONTRIBUTING.md mentions using "pnpm dev:cli" but that's it. Thought I may ask, maybe I am missing something

Error while setting plasmo on a fedora desktop.

I'm using fedora 41 and Node 22 (lts) and I'm creating my plasmo project using (npm create plasmo). But it gives me error everytime. What's the solution to this ? #👟framework...


I have a widget that injects into every page. Is there a way to blacklist specific domains? On some sites it messes up styles and if I just return empty component if domain matches it still messes up the styles.

Bug in the with-messaging example

Ran into the same issue: https://github.com/PlasmoHQ/plasmo/issues/838 Also pointed out a request to improve the documentation in: https://github.com/PlasmoHQ/plasmo/issues/801 How is the messaging supposed to work in the with-messaging example? If there's documentation on how each peace of the demo works, it'll be extremely helpful....

Google Analytics Issue (URL import)

Hello, Im facing a weird bug when trying to use google analytics, in my content.tsx im importing the google tag manager import "https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=G-..... in the dev build it works fine and I see requests to /collects and in the analytics dashboard I see the data, but in the production build it's not working and not able to import the gtag Uncaught (in promise) Error: Cannot find module 'iKwBb Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'register')...
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Pass data from Content.ts to Options Page via Storage API

Unable to pass user data from content.ts to the options page using Storage API. Data is being set but returns undefined when accessed. Current Behavior - Data is collected from website in content.ts - Attempting to store data using Chrome Storage API...
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Hi there,

I've been using Plasmo for sometime and everything is working correctly but now I'm having a CSP problem: Refused to run the JavaScript URL because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self' 'wasm-unsafe-eval' 'inline-speculation-rules' http://localhost:**". Either the 'unsafe-inline' keyword, a hash ('sha256-...'), or a nonce ('nonce-...') is required to enable inline execution. Note that hashes do not apply to event handlers, style attributes and javascript: navigations unless the 'unsafe-hashes' keyword is present. ...

Fresh install with errors

After installing Plasmo and manually adding tailwind I'm getting this error. I've ran audit fix multiple times, but this resulted in bricking the entire installation. Even when removing everything (node_modules, .plasmo and package_lock.json) and resetting the package.json back to it's original state. Not sure what is going on, but something is wrong....
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Importing Tailwind CSS stylesheets for every content script UI component: how bad for performance?

So, I've really been struggling getting Tailwind to play nicely with Plasmo, and specifically content script UI components (CSUI). My components are being overlaid into the hosting webpage which means I don't have the ability to just import one stylesheet at a "root" level (or maybe I can? I dunno) and instead have many of my own components inserted into the UI within a shadow root element. Unfortunately, since I don't have a normal root for all my components that means that I need to import the styles for each component individually, and since I'm using Tailwind that seems to mean that I have to import the globals.css file for Tailwind (which also imports other stylesheets into itself) for each component.The overall size of this import is not negligible and since my components append themselves to posts on a social media feed I'm also concerned that the issue could be exacerbated. My question is: how much of an issue is this for performance? I am mostly concerned about each component having a <style> element containing kilobytes of CSS rules. At what point does this become a performance issue? Does each component's stylesheet need to be parsed or is there opportunity for caching? Does the extra size of the DOM also make lookups, etc more costly, etc? Would love some feedback. Thank you!...
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Is there a way to hook into the plasmo dev build?

I would like to run something every time the extension rebuilds in development. (This would be before it builds, not after). Something like Parcel macros would be ideal but this is only available in Parcel 2.12.x. Any chance we can bump parcel-core in the next release? Is there another way? Is there a concept of Plasmo plugins (for dev)?...


Hello everyone, I have a question regarding the implementation of contents in the Plasmo framework. Due to the use of Tailwind CSS for styling, the styles of the plugins interfere with the original webpage when I have a content UI. When I don't enable contents, the original webpage's styles are normal. I have set up style isolation following the tutorial, but it's not working. Could anyone advise on how to solve this situation?
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wasm file is not accessible from main world

I have an example repo(https://github.com/Lidne/plasmo_example) which shows the problem - wasm file is not accessible from main world. When I try to access it, js crashes with error ``` TypeError: Failed to fetch at loadWasm (wasm_exec.js:684:28) at 1aHT9.raw:~/assets/wasm/main.wasm (wasm_exec.js:692:1) at newRequire (wasm_exec.2b77078d.js:72:24)...

Programmatically adding React components via createRoot + render gives "Invalid Hook Call" error

This really sucks. I want to be able to programmatically mount React components from my content script when I feel like it, but if I try to use createRoot and render from react-dom then I just get an Invalid hook call error. Here is my plasmo-inline.ts content script that I was using from the with-content-scripts-ui example: ``` import type { PlasmoCSConfig, PlasmoGetInlineAnchor } from "plasmo"...

GET chrome-extension://invalid/ net::ERR_FAILED

Hey, I just found out about your framework and trying to make extension that scrape currently viewed linkedin profile, but as soon as I added linkedin to basic plasmo example with changing background to pink I got over 1300 errors, any ideas how to fix it?
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How can I add global style into Tab & Popup with emotionjs?

Hi Plasmo Team and Community, I’m currently using Plasmo to develop a Chrome extension and trying to add global styles to a tab page using Emotion. However, I couldn’t find relevant examples or documentation to achieve this. I would appreciate your guidance....

Error with getting started tutorial

I'm new to the framework I just tried to create a new plasmo app using pnpm create plasmo, but every time I do this and cd into the directory to do a pnpm dev I get a malloc error: 🟣 Plasmo v0.89.4 🔴 The Browser Extension Framework 🔵 INFO | Starting the extension development server......

Svelte popup is not working from the with-svelte example

I have cloned the repo, installed using pnpm i and run dev server pnpm run dev. When I load the unpacked extension and click on it, doesnt open the popup. I also checked there is no popup html in the generated manifest in build directory, but it works with popup.tsx...
It works now, the problem was with svelte config. ```js import preprocess from "svelte-preprocess" ...

Tree shaking

Hi all! I'm on the SDK team at clerk.com and adapting the SDKs to work with Plasmo and MV3. However, I'm running into an issue where the code doesn't appear to be appropriately tree-shaken. This is causing problems with extension approvals, as code that includes (unused) references to remotely hosted code remains in the bundle. I see several issues/comments about this on GitHub, and I would like to gain some insight into its current state....

@swc/types not resolving?

I had been using CRXjs, but recent chrome updates have made that extension framework unusable. Working on learning plasmo so I can convert my project to it. Trying to setup a basic options page example following the with-options example. When I run plasmo dev, I get the following: ``` 🟣 Plasmo v0.89.3...

How can I change tab title?

I'm still getting undefined as document.title in rendered html 😕