🧩 Plasmo Developers


🧩 Plasmo Developers

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Create child components for ContentScript

I'm trying to create child components for the main component in Contents, if I create the component directly in the Components folder it is seen as a separate element and is imported randomly into the DOM, while if I put it in a Contents/Components folder it isn't imported at all from the parent component. Do you have solutions?

Cannot get Chakra-UI to render on Content

Hi I was trying to make a sidepanel overlay using plasmo to track my leetcode progress against a weekly goals, and want to use Chakra-UI's progress bar. However, I cannot get the component to render on the side panel. I've provided the code and screenshots below. Content.tsx: ```import { ChakraProvider } from "@chakra-ui/react" import cssText from "data-text:~style.css" import type { PlasmoCSConfig } from "plasmo" import { CountButton } from "~features/count-button"...
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Create new project with vue

Hello, i can't understand how create a plasmo project with vue3 and with content script (also them with vue), how is it the cli ? TY

Extension Works on DEV MODE but not in PRODUCTION MODE, Why???

Hi, I'm encountering an issue with image uploads to Facebook Marketplace in my Chrome extension. Here's a brief overview of the problem: ...

Plasmo within Nx monorepo

Hello everyone, I'm trying to create an extension app inside my nx monorepo using to share React components, and is wondering if anyone had had a success to setup the configuration and is willing to share a bit of your insights? Specifically on tsconfig and how to build the overwrite manifest inside package.json Thanks!!

posthog identification

I’m working on a Next.js 14 project, where I’m using an API to retrieve user details (with the logic inside background/ports/file.ts). The login redirects users to our product’s URL, and we’re checking authentication via JWT. Where would be the best place to call posthog.identify()?

Having a hard time integrating shad-cn with plasmo

I"'m using all the default config but for some, the text doesn't get the right CSS property. Any idea why that is? I would appreciate the help, at this point, I'm so confused I have no clue what's working or not. There seems to be some CSS property that gets overridden and the same behavior isn't replicable on a non-plasma-based project. So what's going on here really? I will have to manually add color classes to text which would be too painful to maintain. Here's the gist with all the config https://gist.github.com/purplecandy/57e603260aba0f3b4fd780b469aca6e9...
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Publishing Private (Unlisted) Extensions

In the past, I have built a browser extension for my team. I'm looking to start using Plasmo to publish an extension, rather than continuing the trend of "Load Unpacked." However, I will need to publish it as private or unlisted so that only my team members may have access. Does Plasmo have the ability to publish unlisted extensions via the Browser Platform Publisher (BPP) Github Action?

Command Failed with signal "SIGABRT"

why am i getting this, after i run
yarn dev
yarn dev
yarn create plasmo
yarn create plasmo
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Any thing I should know about before fully commiting to plasmo

Greetings I am considering using plasmo for extension development anything I should know before I make the full commitment to using it? any caveats, can I integrate firebase and shopify apis can I reach my server, are there any 3 week + waits to be approved for compliance related stuff. Is it easy to setup. Does support here respond quick?

Adding alias

To introduce a "types" library that is shared between the back end front (extension), I created root/types-lib/ which contains ``` src/types-matchmaking.ts tsconfig.json...

Common authentication for Plasmo and next app using firebase.

I have been using firebase authentication for my existing next app in where I store my token and use details in cookies. Now I have been developing a chrome extension with Plasmo. What I want to achieve is if the user is already logged in in the next app, then that user should be logged in with Plasmo extension when it loads. If user is not logged in with the next app and user opens the extension then they should be redirected to the next app for login, and once the login is completed on the nex...

How do I install multiple examples e.g. -- --with-sidepanel --with-storage with-supabase

Is it possible to do pnpm create plasmo --with-sidepanel --with-storage with-supabase ? It only takes the first or last one I think

CSUI not rendered in production build

I opened an issue on github. Even a very simple code does not work https://github.com/PlasmoHQ/plasmo/issues/1070...

useState is not working

I am working on a Chrome extension that simply store some user input the storage and autofill them when needed. Right now, I am stuck at the loading state. I want to render loading state when the user clicks on the "Save Citation" button. However, the setIsSaving is not triggered. Please reference the console.log for that. How can I solve the issue?...
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Trouble with examples/with-mui

Hi, new to the framework and just copied the popup.tsx and content.tsx files from the examples/with-mui project into a completely clean new project (after running pnpm create plasmo and installing necessary deps), but am encountering this error:
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Typescript support

Hello there. I created a new Plasmo project. pnpm create plasmo example-dir I opened popup.tsx and added the simple line let a: number = "just a string";...

getOverlayAnchor running infinitely

Hello team, I am trying to use getOverlayAnchor to overlay my UI on a particular site. Here's the code: ```...

Calling api with cookies in popup and plasmo-overlay

using content script i was able to store cookies using storage api, and show popup as per the storageApi, but when calling api i am not able to send with cookies in the headers...
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Supabase + Chrome storage question

Hi all, new to Plasmo and discord 😄 Just curious, I've been using the supabase starter and am curious: When creating the supabase client, is it storing the auth tokens (refresh and session) within chrome.storage and NOT local or session storage by default? If that's true, does that make it secure from xss in a way it might not if stored in local storage directly?...