🧩 Plasmo Developers


🧩 Plasmo Developers

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As a browser extension developer using

As a browser extension developer using Plasmo, you can change the display page in popup.tsx on clicking a button by utilizing the window.open() method. This method allows you to open a new browser window or tab with a specified URL. In your popup.tsx file, you can define a button element with an onClick event handler. Inside the event handler, you can use the window.open() method to open a new window or tab with the desired URL. Here's an example of how you can implement this functionality:...

Yes you can use the normal ` style ` tag

Yes, you can use the normal <style> tag in Vue with Plasmo. Plasmo offers first-class support for Vue, making it easy to build browser extensions using Vue components. To use the <style> tag in Vue with Plasmo, you can define your styles directly in the Vue component's style section. Here's an example: ```vue...

To mount your content page CSUI inside

To mount your content page (CSUI) inside an iframe instead of a shadow DOM using getRootContainer, you can follow these steps: 1. Export a getRootContainer function in your Plasmo extension code. This function will be responsible for returning the root container element where your CSUI will be mounted. Here's an example: ```typescript...
Paul Emas
Paul Emas7/2/2023

Styling Plasmo CSUI – Plasmo

Hello, I have a problem with the content script fonts when it switches between tabs. The font changes styling changes (e.g, weight, size, color, etc.) to match the current tabs/page font styling (e.g if plasmo's homepage uses a global fontsize html * { fontSize: '0.7rem' } the content gets affected too). I read up the https://docs.plasmo.com/framework/content-scripts-ui/styling#custom-font and at one point the font family didn't change but when I tried it again on Wikipedia and it came with t...