[SOLVED] how to market myself

so I am a musician and songwriter I've just started on youtube, though I hope to expand to other platforms in the future (twitch, ticktock, Soundcloud, Spotify ect...) but I have been getting no views, I have an upload schedule but how should I market myself to build up business (for context my content is music, poetry, storybook type content, and some gameplay)
3 Replies
@sccjono2y ago
First recognise that this is going to be an uphill struggle. Start by making teasers of songs etc for YouTube shorts and TikTok. Get yourself noticed. Sam Ryder got to Eurovision and the top 10 by doing just that. Go Live. You'll get no viewers at first, but stick with it.
Boron2y ago
First suggestion I can give you (i'ìm on the same page, started a YT channel few month ago and without doing nothing i reached 13 subs) is to create a strong brand name, and connect every social platform you think you can help you (all with the SAME brand name). You have to keep in mind that pure music (and related things) are really tough for bringing people on your channel. Next, I'm on that point too lmao
Neon752y ago
Also, I'm not a musician but I think if it were me I would look at how other musicians market themselves, because the way you gotta market as a musician is a lot different than other content creators do.
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