[SOLVED] Tips For Video Descriptions

I am able to create videos with good titles and thumbnails, but I always find my description is lacking. What are people's formats for their descriptions?
4 Replies
Stupidude2y ago
Honestly dont worry about descriptions too much unless its like a walkthrough or tutorial or something. If it isnt such an important video than its likely that nobody will read the description. Keep it simple. Maybe add some things like what you used to make the video, the purpose of the video, and/or a brief description of what happens with very little detail. Remember, people care more about the video than anything else. The title and thumbnail will attract people to watch but the description isnt worth much
Mikey2y ago
@.tnes out of interest - do you use any links in your descriptions?
DukDolan2y ago
create a format that you use for all your videos, what I personally do is (you don't have to copy) description of what happens in the video or some context some links like my profile in a game, and my discord server information like my usernames and what game I played then at the bottom I have a thank you message and ask people to subscribe since they read the whole description obviously some of this isn't applicable to content that isn't gaming, but all that really matters is that you have keywords that match your videos tags and title (tripled keywords), something that will make people want to watch the video, links to your other social medias or discord, and a reminder to like and sub.
I'm going to disagree with @stupidude's comment, video descriptions are a very important component for SEO and youtube recommending your video to people. @dukdolan's answer is great. I would just add to it, make sure your descriptions contain keywords that relate to your video/content, especially within the first 25 words or so, as these are what helps youtube decide what videos fill their search results when a user search for those keywords. An example image below, you can see youtube makes the keywords in the video description that relate to the content/search term bold https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/146402
No description
No description