[SOLVED] Im a beginner and I need some help (Dms are open)

I am a beginner on twitch and I need some help on where to start. I kind of have a feel for what a lot of the buttons do but still need some guidance. Please help me 🙏
12 Replies
buisness mate
buisness mate2y ago
What exactly do you need help with? I'm not claiming I'm great at it either btw lmao
Evelyynn2y ago
I need help desgin wise and how to grow in general
buisness mate
buisness mate2y ago
I mean I haven't got that many followers but I've just gotten them from just streaming I think if you're pretty consistent then twitch will promote you more Don't take my word on that though
katherine2y ago
some of my best tips :) - play what you want to play! i know it might feel like it's best to follow the crowd with what's popular, but if you're enjoying yourself then it's more likely that the people who come by will also enjoy themselves. it shouldn't matter if the game(s) you love are popular or not, if it's your cup of tea then that should be what matters - appreciate the lurkers - they are great! don't get into the mindset of expecting people to talk, there are many reasons as to why people don't (social anxiety, busy, doing their own thing), and side note that lurkers even with the stream muted DO count as a view! - networking, meeting and chatting with new streamers will help you get to know people in the same field as you - socials and other platforms: these can be used in a few ways. announcing when you're live, as well as using them to post clips of your content for more exposure (not mandatory but that's at your discretion) - clip your content!! this ties in with the above point if you're planning on posting everywhere. but they do help, trust me. - build your page with panels, artwork, and such. (having solely a donate button can be quite a turn off), introduce yourself, what you play, about you, etc! this can also make your stream feel a lot more personal and help people to get to know you better. - always raid out, as this gives you the chance to find new streamers to watch, but also gets your name out there
Evelyynn2y ago
Thank you!!
katherine2y ago
no worries c:
pedro2y ago
Have you ever considered hiring a social media manager that can help promote the Channel's content?
katherine2y ago
if you have people in your dm's trying to flog you marketing/promotional rubbish, it's a scam and report it
pedro2y ago
How are you so sure it's a scam?
katherine2y ago
over my time on discord, as a mod in a similar server, i’ve seen tens of them and they all follow very similar patterns i don’t see anything against having a genuine one if you want that, but not the unsolicited stuff coming from randoms in your discord dms
pedro2y ago
Well that's true but there might be a cause for that don't you think? So you mean it's okay if there's proof of legitimacy, right?
Yamidactyl2y ago
uh i may know a bit