Trying to get back in the grind.

I haven't posted in about a month or 2 due to school, work, and other family business, how do I get my audience back after being gone for so long?
5 Replies
YouTube says that taking a break shouldn't really affect users too much once they return, in terms of pushing content out to your current subscribers anyways, but there is obviously the chance that some of your old subs may no longer be as interested in your content as they once were, and I don't think there is too much you can really do about that besides just making quality content like you used to, or better?
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Beware That
Beware That2y ago
quality of video
DukDolan2y ago
people like jontron take long breaks inbetween uploads and make up for it by having content with high quality or production value. You don’t necessarily need to do that, just make as good a video as you can and it should be fine
AshPlaysAU2y ago
Can be hard. Ive been in this position a couple times. Just try and keep it somewhat regular. Doesnt have to be daily, can be weekly, every 2nd week etc. Try to come up with a schedule that works for you, regardless of the time gap in between. If people can see a pattern in uploads then they should come back. Naturally more frequently will work better but in the real world its not always possible
ArchaeoPlays2y ago
I end up needing to take breaks regularly on my channel (complex videos plus chronic illness) and I find that it doesn't really affect things. One thing that helps is letting your audience know where else they can find you - Twitter, IG, tiktok, whatever social media you use. If they can connect with you on other platforms, then they feel like they're still keeping up with you even if you don't post videos. Also, now that YouTube is giving the Community Tab to everyone (as far as I'm aware), I would recommend posting regular community updates so that people know you're still working on stuff or getting ready to release a new video. And for the first video you post after this break, you may want to schedule it as a premiere instead of just publishing it. Your audience will get a bit of forewarning that you're releasing a new video, and it lets you watch and chat with them during the premiere, too.