YT Video taking forever to process

My Video has been stuck like this for 4 hours. I don't know how well YT supports VODs downloaded from twitch.
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18 Replies
There can definitely be an increase in YouTube processing depending on how the original file was encoded. Pretty sure YouTube recommends x264 .mp4, or at least it used to, but it does support a variety of other formats. But because YouTube is essentially decoding and reencoding your file, it's best to use a common format like x264 .mp4 for faster results As someone mentioned to you earlier, these times can vary depending on time of day, load on the server and other factors. 4 hours isn't out of the ordinary for a 60 minute 1080p video
The file size is 2.2GB
Yep that will definitely play a factor, but I'd be more curious to know what the file format, bitrate and resolution is
It is 1080p60 and MP4 .-.
Could always leave that one processing and try upload it again, see if it processes quicker. Not uncommon for a video to get stuck on processing either
I will just reupload
I would also check the actual video page and check if the HD qualities are available. I've had issues where the video said it was still processing but all the qualities were already available
I am reuploading right now. The file name was 30+ Characters long so I have shortened it
Let us know how you go
Same thing .-.
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Same? This one is giving you a estimated time of 3 hours?
It was the same for the last. I am just gonna re record
I'm sure it will finish eventually, just leave it process overnight if you have to
I deleted it Kinda late for that now I apologise if that isn't what you wanted. I can always reupload it
I don't really care either way, do what you wanna do lol I just think you're being a little impatient with it, nothing you've said so far is out of the ordinary for YouTube. Their processing stuff has been whack for years
Oh my bad lol
DukDolan2y ago
long videos and videos that are in different codec than usual will take a while to process in hd by different codecs I mean not .mp4 h2.64 videos
SequelDev2y ago
If your video is in a different format than what YouTube recommends (I'm not sure of the particular format myself), you can use Handbrake to convert the video to the correct format. That might help?