TikTok Studio

hello! anyone actually knows why tiktok studio give me bad performance in game? like my fps are so bad when i stream with tiktok studio, idk how do i need to configure it. someone can help? Thanks
10 Replies
DukDolan2y ago
streaming requires good hardware, its normal that your game’s performance will decrease
thefurch2y ago
I have a rtx 3060, 16RAM and Ryzen 7, but when I stream in OBS my game goes perfect, it’s just with TikTok studio
There have been a couple other people in this server report the same thing, as well as countless post on Google about it. I dare say TikTok studio just isn't well optimized for the task and there likely isn't anything you can do to fix the issue until TikTok fixes their program?
DukDolan2y ago
ok thats helpful and can narrow things down. How do you define bad performance?
thefurch2y ago
If I open the TikTok studio the memory goes to 88% aprox and then in game my fps go so bad, I usually go 144fps good but with TikTok I can go to 80 or less
DukDolan2y ago
the high memory usage is unusual the fps going to ~80 seems consistent though I guess yeah its probably just a problem with tiktok studio software itself since obs works fine for you
CattitudeTV2y ago
I honestly don't believe that tiktok is meant for super long videos. Is it when you do really long stuff or is just throughout the entirety of your recording?
DukDolan2y ago
hes talking about livestreaming not recording
CattitudeTV2y ago
I know thats what I meant is it doing it the whole time or just like in short spurts? I have a friend who has the same issue, when they do like a half hour its fine, but anything more than that its horrendous.
Saltkiller2y ago
Just wondering if anyone go t an answer for this? Its so frustrating! im having the same issue