Advice for my channel and some honest opinions.

Hey guys, I've been Youtubing for about 2 years now and in all that time I've only managed to gain about 58 subs for my channel. That being said, I'm not just recording for money or anything like that, I do enjoy recording and uploading video but my anxiety is just pretty much telling me that "I'm getting no-where", "I'm no good" and "I'm the worse content creator ever" and all that garbage. So to put a long rant short, I would like some advice on what I could do to make my channel do better and maybe someone glance over my work to see what I can do to improve them and what I'm lacking in my recordings. Thanks again for reading and have a good one.
7 Replies
Killernuck2y ago
so I checked out your channel and my main advice is probably to add custom thumbnails to all new videos you upload, most of the video thumbnail youtube picks are usually not that great which means less people would click your videos, and I also recommend making a youtube banner, but a youtube banner isn't as important as thumbnails also cutting the boring parts of the video would probably be a good idea
keechy22y ago
Thanks for the advice mate, I'll see if I can commission someone for a banner once I come up with a idea of what I want, and as for cutting out some of the boring bits in the videos, I needed to kick myself into doing that, and the thumbnails, I'm not really any good at creating them, even with the right tools at my disposal, so I normally pick out a scene from the video that best describes it, but I'll give it another shot. Again, thanks for the advice mate
Killernuck2y ago
no problem! I wish you the best of luck in your youtube journey!
keechy22y ago
You too mate.
Wizulous2y ago
1 thing that new youtubers always have... BAD AUDIO... Please, please, fix it. I couldn't here you in the 3 videos I looked at. Fixing your audio would be such a life changer and you would look and feel professional. And obviously you can't buy a PROFESSIONAL mic that cost 1k+ but things you could do are turning down the games volume, making sure your using your mic correctly, and in the video editor try and mess around with the audio settings or whatever. Also, short videos... to keep the audience watching your WHOLE video, make sure the videos don't go past like 40 mins. I would say 15-30 min area would be good. But, personally I don't like watching LONG videos as it takes up to much time and I just want to enjoy my fav youtuber doing what he said in the title. (This doesn't apply to streams ^ obviously) Engage with the community! Don't push the community away man, they are spending their time watching you do whatever... Do things with/for them, maybe a discord server, respond to comments, or comment yourself, set goals, and post in the community area of your channel. (this one depends on if you want to gain more subs and viewers) Stick with current trends! Content creating is all about making things around the newest and biggest trends, or if your popular enough making new trends. But, try playing or doing things that relate to new trends. (this one will help) Use tags! use a bunch load of related tags for your video, example... You post a FNAF video, use popular FNAF related and themed tags so. #horror, #funny, #fnaf, #gaming, #freddy, #gameplay, etc... Advertise in servers like these! Do this if you want to grow a bit quicker. (Also check out #resources and #faq-and-useful-links they may help a bit) NOW, my opinion on your channel... It's ok! You have been posting for a LONG TIME, so I don't blame you for not being able to keep up with all the new features and what not. But, there are just unspoken rules to content creating that people share time to time, that you just gotta follow to become successful. Now of course you don't have to listen to me, but at least take something from what I said and use it to benefit you! I wish you the best of luck on your Content Creating Career... -Wizulous
keechy22y ago
Ya, most of the time I am a scatter brain so I don't remember to lower my game volume, I'll try what I can to fix that, and for me interacting with my audience, I've never been good with that stuff, unless someone is talking to me, I don't talk back a lot. But I will take you advice to heart and see about what I can do And looking at my channel now, I think I got a lot I need to rework on my videos
DukDolan2y ago
So instead of just putting yourself down and saying you're the worst content creator, you should be thinking in a way that can motivate you, think stuff like "I can do better", "I will fix this in my next video" etc. Having a positive mindset is very important to seeing success, just don't be unrealistic with it