Suggestions on growing on Twitch and YouTube

My name is Saruto and I've been thinking of doing youtube and twitch for a year however I have a few problems on YouTube mainly. If I want to grow and monetize my videos on YouTube, I cannot and that's because my country won't allow it (doesn't support YPP), which does bring down my motivation to even make content (as well as I don't get many views or watchtime) I would love suggestions and tips on what I should do and where I should start
1 Reply
DukDolan2y ago
if you are looking to make money try setting up donations with something that works in your country. As for growing your channel, I recommend being consistent with your uploads/streams, make a schedule and follow it if you can. Another option is just doing content creation as a hobby, though it seems you are mainly motivated by money and views so idk. Anyway you can start by making content you think is good, or doing stuff you enjoy.