Growth on Instagram is heaps bad

If anyone has a large following on Instagram can give me some insight on what actually does well? Reels does rlly poorly for me. Does carousels do a lot better? 🫢 Love to to hear any suggestions
41 Replies
racheyβ€’15mo ago
for reels just follow the trends, i've had a few of mine blow up bc i did stuff trending! reels is the way to go by a long shot, main posts hashtags don't get as much reach as they used to like how they did in 2020!
Miniflowβ€’15mo ago
Thanks for this! How do you keep up with trends on Instagram?
racheyβ€’15mo ago
i flip through instagram reels sometimes if im wanting to make a video, look at the audio tht was used, i save a lot of the audios just so i can remember to do the trends at a later time but i do most of the trends to my dog! which animals tend to do well
Miniflowβ€’15mo ago
Interesting But does vitality help with the overall growth and engagement of your account?
racheyβ€’15mo ago
for me it hasn't tbh, if the quality is good the quantity doesn't matter as much, quality > quantity!
Miniflowβ€’15mo ago
That's my overall goal tbh. Have consistent growth if I can
racheyβ€’15mo ago
posting more will definitely help you grow more for sure, 1 reel a day would b the best but sometimes u don't have the time to post tht much or make tht many videos which is totally okay, just make sure the quantity isn't tainting the quality and you'll b good!
Asc14β€’15mo ago
I heard photos are back on Instagram. Ever since I went back to posting photos my reach and engagement have been high. Reels have not been the same like it used to been. Since it's more competitive my views have tanked so bad...if I get 1k views in a day or 2 I'm lucky...they do gain more traction within a few days and weeks but slowly.
Miniflowβ€’15mo ago
Asc14β€’15mo ago
Yup...ever since the end of July and beginning of August 2022 I noticed my views have drastically dropped out of nowhere Within 3 hours, I remember I got 3-5k views easily then it eventually went past 10k. Now not even close to those numbers. I've done a lot of research...we can do everything right and IG still won't push our content out enough. @miniflow_ just got to ride the wave and hope they improve their algo. Least photos are back!
Miniflowβ€’15mo ago
Chad mentality!!!
Asc14β€’15mo ago
@miniflow_ Haha thank you! Even with high engagement IG still doesn't push our content out enough and it's killing bigger creators too. I have a Fitness page and have been running it for 3 years.
Miniflowβ€’15mo ago
Dam πŸ’ͺ
Asc14β€’15mo ago
@miniflow_ Worked too hard on my IG page and don't want to quit. Already blessed and thankful for the opportunities I've gotten with brands. So with this tough time I decided to give Tiktok another try and I'm actually seeing growth and results.
Miniflowβ€’15mo ago
@asc14 Yeah man tiktok is really helping people fr
Asc14β€’15mo ago
@miniflow_ Totally...way more exposure than what IG is doing
Miniflowβ€’15mo ago
I'm definitely seeing big growth on tiktok than ANY other platform. Also gave youtube shorts a try. I thought that shit would get 2 views it's doing 100+
Asc14β€’15mo ago
Like almost anyone or everyone can see your Tiktok. Just got to find what works and double down. For the past 2 months of consistently posting I've seen way more views, likes and followers than I did the past year. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Rly? I've been contemplating on trying YouTube it worth a try?
Miniflowβ€’15mo ago
What's there to loose
racheyβ€’15mo ago
mine do pretty good but they may also depend on follower count
Asc14β€’15mo ago
@racheydachey Yes! IG also makes changes even when we don't even know it and it affects on how well our posts does
fanny.β€’15mo ago
Hi ! Do you think there is an hour to post on instagram? Because everytime I post, I lose big amount of followers.
Miniflowβ€’15mo ago
It's a common issue with instagram tbh don't worry! Yesss omg!
Asc14β€’15mo ago
Timing is important when posting. Want to make sure to post when most of your followers are active so they can engage with it right away and so IG pushed out your content more. But at this point IG is still not giving everyone the push and reach they deserve. We can do everything right and it won't be enough.
fanny.β€’15mo ago
Okay thank you 😊
ZENONβ€’15mo ago
Noticed too yeah
…‒15mo ago
you need to do what you love what would you like to do
Miniflowβ€’15mo ago
I've noticed now that my content is doing a lot better post photos in the morning!!
reelβ€’15mo ago
Thanks What’s your Instagram and timezone. I want to follow
Miniflowβ€’15mo ago
It's on my profile!
reelβ€’15mo ago
ZENONβ€’15mo ago
Is this a coincidence cuz my reels blow up in morning And posts too
Miniflowβ€’15mo ago
ZENONβ€’15mo ago
Something weird with Instagram algorithm My post did good with arranged tags, Post credit and no location. While the other one didn't bcs of no location , not arranged tags and no credits.
Miniflowβ€’15mo ago
Instagram is weird Instead if zuck fixing instagram for creators, he's buying into banning it
ZENONβ€’15mo ago
Bro what the heck happened My one reel had 1 hour 38 mins watch time with only 539 views and duration is just 49 secs
Miniflowβ€’15mo ago
Oooof that's roughhh
ZENONβ€’15mo ago
And now it's my most viewed reel . Instagram just weird
Miniflowβ€’15mo ago
THEOβ€’15mo ago
I own @rx7community and the most important thing for growth on Instagram has to be consistency and the quality of your content. If your posting is consistent and your quality is high you are almost guaranteed to see results if you don't you have to think about wheter or not your content is really that high of a quality Another big thing is community building hence the name rx7community. Ive managed to build up a community of people who love this car. You can achieve this by interacting a lot with your audience so you build some loyal fans. You will be surprised how people react once you react on your dms if you have a large following. One guy I replied to send a message one year after that reply saying I still can't believe you replied. So can you see why just interacting with your coommunity is one of the most powerfull tools you have.
ZENONβ€’14mo ago
Yeah algorithm is giving avg good views when I am posting consistently Earlier avg views on reel was 50-70 now it's 200 to 400