How do I handle negative comments

On the 1st of this month, I started uploading daily Fortnite videos to TikTok and YT shorts. The reasoning behind it was to motivate me to upload routinely and to improve editing skills. The goal for March is to win at least 1 match every day and upload a 30-40 second video of highlights from the win. Over time I've also adapted the videos a little (and plan on continuing to adjust things) based on engagement. It's definitely helped keep me motivated, and I'm slowly seeing progress. But, I'm getting more frequent negative comments about my gameplay being bad even though the goal wasn't to show off or make people think I'm amazing at the game. I'm just a casual player and thought it'd be fun to challenge myself. So, what's the best possible way to approach this? Do I ignore these comments? Should I politely respond and explain that it's just supposed to be casual? Do I make a video addressing this? I just don't wanna get frustrated and come off as rude, or get so frustrated that I quit making videos altogether. Any advice is appreciated 😊
3 Replies
Call-me-J15mo ago
For me, it's definitely been beneficial to just ignore those kinds of comments. Don't delete them. I think that can come off as ignorant to some since you're basically silencing any critique of your content. (If gets to the point where they're harassing you constantly, then I would say delete the comment/report the person) Also I think it's important to consider your community when you are creating content. I used to be a part of the Fortnite community. For the most part, that community can be really competitive. It makes sense for it to be, it's a game heavily focused on Esports and it's a Battle Royale. But because of this, casual content on Fortnite can be received in both ways, positive and negative. So you'll have to expect these kinds of comments appearing in almost every Fortnite video. If the negative comments become too much for you, I recommend taking a break from the community or finding a brand new community in general. Who knows? Maybe you'll find something cool you didn't expect. I personally took the route of leaving the community. I still return every now and then, but never to make content anymore. Whatever choice you make, I hope it turns out well for you in the content space! @kar1up
Vexx15mo ago
Me personally, I'd set it to hold comments for posting (so you can decide if you want to delete or let them show on the video page); or turn off comments. From what I've seen, the battle royale crowd seems to be a bit jaded as far as wins and gameplay goes. Probably because there's so much content and gamers out there already. You could try the nice approach but, honestly, if they're there to just troll you then don't bother. Moderate your channel how you see fit. IMO there's nothing wrong with deleting negative comments if they don't add constructive criticism and are just trying to tear you down. You don't need that. Keep playing, keep posting, and keep your head up. Ignore the haters. And for general "you suck" type of comments, you could also use my smartass line: "Well, that's certainly your opinion." However that may invite further trolling, so use at your own risk. kekw
Mr_Topgamer/ PepePlays
I would look at the negative comments, and use them as fuel to improve. Any comments about quality I would note them down as they are useful on how I can improve.