Railway17mo ago

Issue with env vars using webpack

Hi there! I'm trying to deploy a Vue2 project using vue-cli. To access my env vars on client-side code i need to use process.env.VUE_APP_MYVAR But on railway, everything returns undefined? Its gets my process.env.NODE_ENV var, but it doesnt get my other vars. Tried using webpack-dotenv to expose system vars too, but the rest of my vars still undefined.
const Dotenv = require('dotenv-webpack');
new Dotenv({
systemvars: true
const Dotenv = require('dotenv-webpack');
new Dotenv({
systemvars: true
What could it be? Webpack messing it up? On AWS worked fine.
3 Replies
Percy17mo ago
Project ID: de7aa210-2a7c-457e-9476-6c30744f4f10
Medim17mo ago