Railway17mo ago

Multiple services on a single domain

Hi! I have 3 services: API (Backend), Landing that uses this API (Frontend) and a Documentation for the API. These three services will be deployed on Railway, and I want to have one domain for all of them. What I'm talking about is called "Reverse Proxy" in Nginx. Does Railway have something like this? If not, what are possible workarounds? For example, if request goes to /api, then service called Backend will handle it.
9 Replies
Percy17mo ago
Project ID: N/A
Brody17mo ago
railway doesn't have anything like this natively unfortunately, you can always roll your own with nginx or caddy
Pelfox17mo ago
Okay, got it, thanks!
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Unknown User16mo ago
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Brody16mo ago
railway doesn't have anything like this natively unfortunately, you can always roll your own with nginx or caddy
Unknown User
Unknown User16mo ago
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Brody16mo ago
nginx or caddy
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Unknown User16mo ago
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Brody16mo ago
here's the railway provided template for nginx, it starts a static file server, but add your own config with proxy routes setup, and have the dockerfile put the config file in the correct location and you're set https://github.com/railwayapp-templates/nginx but this is someone else's thread, so for any future questions, could you please open your own help thread?