Twitch VODs or edit them?

Quick question! Should I just suck it up and edit my Twitch VODs down into actual videos for YouTube or should I just post the VOD in its entirety and leave it at that?
2 Replies
4DC15mo ago
As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions or preferences. However, it depends on your goals and audience. If your audience is primarily interested in watching full-length streams, then posting the entire VOD may be sufficient. However, if you want to provide more focused and easily digestible content for a wider audience, then editing the VODs into shorter videos may be more effective. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide what works best for your content and audience.
probablyraging15mo ago
Suppose it depends on the VOD itself. Is there lots of dead air or not very interesting parts that could bore a YouTube viewer? In that case I would edit it down. If not then just dump the full VOD. Another option is to multi-stream to both Twitch and YouTube simultaneously. This way you can have the VOD as a video on YouTube as soon as your stream ends, without having to manually upload it. You can only do this if you aren't affiliate/partner on Twitch though