Verify your account

Why am I now seeing this when I try to create a new project? I have a developer plan
17 Replies
Percy15mo ago
Project ID: N/A
Claudio Balbino
Claudio Balbino15mo ago
Brody15mo ago
Railway performs verification checks to prevent bad actors from abusing the platform. An active GitHub account is currently required to use Railway. If you fail verification, upgrading to the Team plan is the only way to get access for now. Sorry for the inconvenience, the team is actively working on pricing changes to better support hobby/individual use cases. It’s the top priority at the moment, so expect to hear about new pricing plans very soon!
Claudio Balbino
Claudio Balbino15mo ago
I have an active github account that I've been using for a long time... and I certainly abuse the platform, in fact I recommend it frequently So now for me to include new projects do I have to hire a Team plan? does this apply to all new platform users?
Brody15mo ago
can you send your github account?
Claudio Balbino
Claudio Balbino15mo ago
correcting, "no" abuse 😂 ... of course my account is cbalbinos
Brody15mo ago
i cant really advise further without seeing your account so i will stick with my original answer of upgrading to the teams plan to remove the github verification requirements
Brody15mo ago
sorry it doesn't pass verification, theres nothing we can do about that
Claudio Balbino
Claudio Balbino15mo ago
For me this is not clear, why did not pass the check? What are the new rules? I have a YouTube channel, and in it some content about Railway, is there somewhere where I can see these new rules, I want to inform my followers, because I indicate the service with my referral link
Brody15mo ago
@Angelo - can you take this from here?
angelo15mo ago
Hey @Claudio Balbino - I can't answer this publically, but I can answer it via email- can you email us and we can get back to you soon.
Brody15mo ago
you email railway, not the other way around
Claudio Balbino
Claudio Balbino15mo ago
I request by email, what did I just request here?
Brody15mo ago
angelo just asked for you to email railway
angelo15mo ago
Email us about verification rules, and I can share what I can there. The rules are not public because of fraud. If I post publically what you can do get around - then we get 1000 torrent bots on the platform. Not fair for you, your viewers, and our companies.
Claudio Balbino
Claudio Balbino15mo ago
that's ok, I'll email