GEON13mo ago

Why is the red different between the 722 and the Frog series?

Good evening, Geon server. I built a red Geonworks F1-8x 722 for a client and a red Geonworks Frogpad for the same client, expecting the red to be the same. It unfortunately wasn't and it isn't a big deal, I'm just wondering what changed about the red ano-ing process between when producing the Frogs and when producing the 722s. If anyone can shed some light, it would be much appreciated! Thanks! Toodles!
4 Replies
seoulcialite13mo ago
This is somewhat google-able but there are many different factors. maybe the type of alu he used is different or the length of time for the ano process was different or he used a different company to ano or maybe he wanted a different red
Irithylli13mo ago
They are different ano companies, and the red was never advertised to be the same.
seoulcialite13mo ago
but basically, from what I know, it can be an inconsistent process and it's possible that a different shade could have come out even if geon used the same metal and same company.
Irithylli13mo ago
The F1-8X 722 was anodized in Korea, and the Geonworks Frogpad was anodized in China.
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