The Edge - what's the point

so as far as i know the edge move a server close as possible to your user right? but then what's the point of the edge if the database is server located in one region which is depend one the user if the request gonna be fast or slower right? i see the edge fit for applications where there's no database maybe? i'm new to all of these so if you can explain when should i use the edge or i'm missing something with all of that
Cold starts bad
Zan322d ago
Theo - t3․gg
That's It, I'm Done With Serverless.
Gonna be a long year of moving everything to the edge... ALL MY VIDEOS ARE POSTED EARLY ON PATREON Everything else (Twitch, Twitter, Discord & my blog): S/O Ph4seOne for the awesome edit 🙏
8v.322d ago
so what's the point of edge with region and not just use serverless?
Zan322d ago
Cold starts bad
Yiannis322d ago
this is the best video for this imo
Yiannis322d ago
You Don't Know Vercel Infrastructure
In this video tutorial, Theo takes you through the concepts of Edge Functions and Serverless computing. Edge Functions are a way to run code at the edge of a content delivery network (CDN), which enables you to execute code closer to your users, resulting in faster response times and reduced latency. Vercel is pushing the innovation with this te...
Neto322d ago
The edge location is bad it you have an unique source of data, like an database But the edge runtime is the main selling point here, it's stripped for lots of nodes features like the file system, but can give you better performance when starting and executing it You also have a different way of billing, with traditional serverless you pay by the resource usage + time allocation With the edge runtime, you pay in a different way
iukea322d ago
Cold start = bad can mean blocking on a page. Fix build an app that has people going to it = not as many cold starts Hard part = building a good app Also cheaper than lambda
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