Need help creating mini challenges

Hello Community! My husband and I are streamers on twitch. We build our content around playing single-player games and trying to race to the end, but we have a challenge wheel that we spin every so often to cause each other to stop our progress and do an in-game challenge. They are mostly silly and can be time-consuming, and it's all in good fun for a laugh. A few examples from our Skyrim series have been to reenact Titanic by throwing a necklace in the water, but then diving in to find it again; shout your follower off the throat of the world; start walking to Markarth from wherever you are; find a copy of the book "The Lusty Argonian Maid" and read it out loud; find a dragon to fight, get it's health down really low, heal it back up and then fight it again.
We are wrapping up with Skyrim and getting ready for another game series. We are thinking Fallout, either New Vegas or 4. We have some challenges lined up, but were looking to see if anyone else had some funny ideas that we maybe didn't think about yet. We will link you on our stream if we use your idea! We are also open to other games, so if there's something we can do these silly challenges with let us know. We play a pretty wide variety of games. Thanks for your input!
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