Needles HD Pant Reccs
What’s everyone’s favorite color/material in the needles HD pant? Eyeing the olive fatigues but I already have OG-107’s and EG FA Pants in olive ripstop and feel like they’d be kinda redundant. Thanks!
9 Replies
meme answer is tracksuit
I was literally wearing a tracksuit while typing the question LMAO
Maybe the meme answer and the real answer…
I found the black cw really cool on the pants, but never worn the olive cw myself
I have brown cord ones which I feel could work for you.
This was the other one I was highly considering!
I’ll see if I can scrounge them up online somewhere! That sounds cool!!!
Would you consider the track pants? They have a lot of cool styling potential.

I’ll see about trying them on!!!
More and more people are saying track pants