
me video is getting a lot of impressions but no one is acctually clicking on it, is there anything i can change about the thumbnail to make it more clickable
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8 Replies
probablyraging12mo ago
1 view from 23 impressions is rougly 4.35% CTR, which is considered good. Anything between 2-10% is where you want to be. 10% being stupidly good, so you're about exactly where you want to be. Consider testing different titles and thumbnails to improve CTR
parkermint12mo ago
Alright thank you 🙏
RcR_Kv112mo ago
Well, in fact, your click rate per impression is pretty good, the problem is your number of impressions which is actually very low, it takes thousands of impressions to start getting views (and even if the youtube algorithm recommend your video to the right audience) Your thumbnail is not bad, maybe you should circle in red the "brutal" option you chose What needs to change is your video title: the youtube algo looks first at the 1st word of your title so to increase the number of impressions I recommend that you put the title of the game first and then "picking the most brutal option"
Blockkaye12mo ago
is having 1k impressions and 19 views good? 😭 i feel like its not sadcat 1.9 CTR
Vyrn12mo ago
Definitely on the low side, I would consider testing stuff out also I don’t agree with putting the title of the game first “Picking The Most Brutal Options in (game)” That combined with a good thumbnail is your best bet
RcR_Kv112mo ago
It's from my personal experience, I saw that putting the game's name or what the video is about in a few words works better, in that case, I would have used the "(Game): Brutal Options Only"
Vyrn12mo ago
I see what you’re going for, possible to test both types of titles out and see which performs better
probablyraging12mo ago
Your title and description should contain good keywords as close to the start of as possible. If that means the game name is a "high volume low competition" keyword, then you should use that. If it isn't then you should use the "Research" tab in Studio to decide which keywords are better for your title/description. The would vary from video to video and game to game