my videos are getting no views

I put so much effort into animating to get no traction 😦 not even a single sub. Any help?
14 Replies
! A ☆
! A ☆•12mo ago
Do you feel like the thumbnail is attracting people to the content?
probablyraging•12mo ago
You have 1 video, with 7 views. Assuming this is actually your first video and you don't have other videos privated, those are reasonable numbers. It takes years of grinding to build an audience. Expecting instant fame from the get go is the wrong way to come in to it and you're probably not going to last long with that mindset. As for gaining an audience/views, you can take a look at and #resources to get some tips. If you have more specific questions, feel free to ask
Dino’s Adventures
My shorts don’t have any views and I see people get 1k easy from the get go ::
probablyraging•12mo ago
Says 23 views on my end? What makes you think just because other people get certain views that you will? That just isn't how YouTube works mate. Not saying your video's aren't, but you need to make high quality relevant content, basically make stuff people care enough to watch. I understand that you feel like you deserve recognition for the effort you put into making your content, but again, if people don't find it interesting then YouTube isn't going to recommend it as much. I'd like to see the analytics on that video, what is the viewer retention like? Because that is a big data point that goes into determining if YouTube will continue to recommend your video or not
No description
probablyraging•12mo ago
Also worth mentioning, I've uploaded videos to TikTok in the past, about 1-2 hours after each other, one got like 1k views the other got like 20. Another thing, I've uploaded TikToks that did poorly in the first 48 hours, deleted it and reuploaded it and it did better. So while the above is true, it's also a bit of a lottery and just because something works for someone else, doesn't mean it will work for you. Hopefully that sort of clears things up a bit
probablyraging•12mo ago
A few data points that YouTube uses to determine if it should continue recommending your content or not; - Watch time - Viewer engagement - Click-through rate (CTR) - Video metadata - Video retention - User preferences - Relevance - Video quality - Channel performance - Trending topics - User feedback Also worth taking a quick look at
Discovery and performance FAQs - YouTube Help
YouTube’s search and discovery system helps viewers find the videos they’re most likely to watch and maximize long-term viewer satisfaction. Get answers about your video and channel performance wi
probablyraging•12mo ago
No description
Dino’s Adventures
My video has 30 sec viewer retention out of 45 sec Maybe u could chill out a bit dude I’m just wondering how I can improve my videos so I can get more views
! A ☆
! A ☆•12mo ago
thats actually really good man, most people have short retention now, so they stayed for more than half the video, which means its entertaining theres always things you can improve on but if your retention is high like that, your doing something great already!
Vyrn•12mo ago
He's just trying to say that you aren't gonna get views from the get go. Not trying to be rude but you made your channel on June 23, 3 days ago. I really don't know what you would have expected, if everyone would blow up over a few videos being a youtuber wouldn't have been an accomplishment. If it's deserved it will come to you eventually, if you don't have the consistency or dedication for it you should not get into this space. Views go up, views will crash and so on. Most of the time it will be a bit off a stressful journey so don't expect numbers to only go up and skyrock over a few videos
probablyraging•12mo ago
And I answered your question, thoroughly, you chill out squirt
Dino’s Adventures
Thanks dude! Ok thanks! 💀
DukDolan•12mo ago
bro got called squirt
Afrodo•12mo ago
It offended him so much, he left the server in shame.