I know nothing about glasses and would love recs based on these pairs I've tried on.

Tried on both the Haffmans and Neumeister Inglewood and this Jacques Marie Mage pair that I can't name currently. I like how they suit my face, but I understand getting custom lenses for em will be crazy expensive. Do y'all have any recs for similar pairs under $250USD?
33 Replies
kyoko12mo ago
Wow second pic glasses go hard Why are custom lenses crazy expensive? Do you have a really strong script? Here at least you can go somewhere and get custom lenses cut pretty cheap But high index does jack up the price
werkinprogress12mo ago
The store includes custom lenses for an added fee that adds like $400 for either pair Perhaps I did not do adequate research
TGO12mo ago
For most standard shapes, you can get lenses at Costco Far easier if you have access to it, or also to other optometry services
jfarrell46812mo ago
First pair is too small for your face. If it were larger, it might work. The shape is more conservative than the second. Agree that the second pair looks good.
TGO12mo ago
I also like the second one a lot, but I’d try looking at darker frames maybe?
werkinprogress12mo ago
I actually preferred the first pair irl haha I think I'll look into the Costco options for more circular frames
TGO12mo ago
I meant Costco only for lenses not frames
werkinprogress12mo ago
Oh gotcha, my bad
TGO12mo ago
Costco frames are great if you want to look like the neighborhood dad who shops at Costco
kyoko12mo ago
Yeah I usually just buy frames and get my lenses cut elsewhere
jfarrell46812mo ago
How much does that save? In my experience, you can spend $$$ on frames, but lenses are more uniform in cost, and cheaper
TGO12mo ago
Generally true, yeah. Frames are expensive and lenses are mostly standard
werkinprogress12mo ago
The gold pair are definitely a lot so I think I should be on the lookout for similar pairs
kyoko12mo ago
It saves a lot of money. I have a really strong script so a lot of places charge out the ass for it. I used to work for an eyeglasses company and got a ton of frames for free so now I just need to update the lenses with new prescription as time goes on
jfarrell46812mo ago
Got it. My wife has a much stronger prescription than me, and her lenses are very expensive. They have to make them from diamonds mined from asteroids and polished with unicorn tears. How much are the gold frames?
TGO12mo ago
JMM is insanely expensive anyway @gesamtkunstwerkinprogress matsuda sample sales happen on the 260sanple sale site every now and then. Keep an eye out Older models, but still totally cool ones
werkinprogress12mo ago
Like a grand US I think
kyoko12mo ago
werkinprogress12mo ago
I'm a disgusting window shopper I'll keep it mind, thanks dude
jfarrell46812mo ago
That's a lot. I will say, I am willing to spend money on frames more so than clothes, because they have a huge impact on my appearance and I wear them every day.
werkinprogress12mo ago
Yeah I haven't breached that pricepoint of $1000 on a single piece yet and don't super intend to on glasses since I really like how I look with contacts
jfarrell46812mo ago
But I get pissed whenever I read about luxxotica controlling the market and inflating prices
werkinprogress12mo ago
My prescription is not symmetrical, does that affect the price as well? -2.75, -2.5
kyoko12mo ago
Nah not in my experience
jfarrell46812mo ago
Not sure, but one thing that occurs to me is that thin wire frames like that may not be a good match for strong lenses
kyoko12mo ago
-2.75 isn't strong
jfarrell46812mo ago
Ah ok
werkinprogress12mo ago
They mentioned in the store that wire frames would be tricky once you get to like -4
jfarrell46812mo ago
Yes, that tracks with what my wife has also found
kyoko12mo ago
I have wire frames rn with -7 LOL but you have to get ultra high index
werkinprogress12mo ago
Velma moment
kyoko12mo ago
Without my glasses/contacts I might as well have my eyes closed lol
TGO12mo ago
It would be so easy to rob my home. Just hide my glasses and you’re just robbing me blind