Need a Fit Doctor

As many of the regulars know, I've been feeling a little in a rut over my fits recently. This thread is to help me gain a clearly idea of my style, and focus on using what i have instead of buying more clothes. Brand Inspiration: The brands that speak to me the most right now are honestly ALD, Corridor, and 4S Designs, with some minor streetwear inspo (graphic tees) as well. Some of my inspo from their lookbooks (I don't find corridor's styling particularly compelling, though I really like their clothes). Inspo album link:
244 Replies
Smiles12mo ago
working on inspo album upload
bishopcorrigan12mo ago
Post some fits of yours you like and some fits of yours you don’t too
Sal12mo ago
Because you know your inspo better than us, are there some really common and basic elements you can identify in terms of color, material, and fit/silhouette? Like reduce what you want to look like down to one or two words for each of those domains Not necessarily what you like, what you see for yourself based on what you're actually comfortable with wearing
Smiles12mo ago
lemme get some things uploaded, working on inspo album, then ill go over my fits and add them on
werkinprogress12mo ago
thank you for making a thread that's exciting
Smiles12mo ago
inspo album up there, in a nutshell, preppy streetwear fits with loud items lemme find my fits
Smiles12mo ago
Fits I like:
Smiles12mo ago
Sal12mo ago
can you reduce preppy, streetwear, and loud down even further
Smiles12mo ago
loud neo-prep? same thing in less words?
Sal12mo ago
more specific maybe those three words still mean a lot of things, some of which are cohesive and many which are not
Smiles12mo ago
lemme think, im struggling to articulate it
Sal12mo ago
it's okay, just reduce reduce reduce prep could be as simple as collared shirt streetwear could become sneakers
werkinprogress12mo ago
I have one opinion but I will wait until you complete this exercise
Sal12mo ago
loud could be just one color like hi vis orange
Smiles12mo ago
statement shirts? im struggling hard ngl
Sal12mo ago
do you see statement shirts as a foundation of your style? or something to add over an otherwise tried and true unf template
Smiles12mo ago
foundation is probably casual prep ive always struggled with a dichotomy of my love for streetwear and my love for prep lol
werkinprogress12mo ago
as we can see from your inspo folder
Smiles12mo ago
yup its a little stretched
werkinprogress12mo ago
those two things don't have to be unmeshable
Sal12mo ago
yeah like ald clearly blends those well
werkinprogress12mo ago
i think you're actually quite close personally
Smiles12mo ago
and thats a large reason I'm really drawn to ALD they are probably closest to my ideal style, just like ALD + louder shirts sometimes lol? not that the rico is quiet
bishopcorrigan12mo ago
I think what ALD does is mix lux prep with casual streetwear elements The high end feel of super nice slacks with sports gear I think dialing in the prep stuff so that it’s really being nailed then putting a twist on it is why it works
Smiles12mo ago
mmm, i think thats something really useful, is the outfit should be enhanced by the twist (loud shirt, unconventional buttoning, sportwear) but if you just played it straight it would still be a clean fit and i think thats something about my fits that i like, if you basically changed the statement pieces for something much more boring, the fit would still be cohesive (theres a few on the edge of this, perhaps too crowded with ideas)
Sal12mo ago
I'd like you to start with just one statement piece or twist per fit having three really competes for attention
Smiles12mo ago
sounds good
Sal12mo ago
this fit is an example of what I mean
Smiles12mo ago
ya the camo and pants and shoes all clash
Sal12mo ago
yes! there you go
Smiles12mo ago
black jeans and white shoes would improve this fit drastically
Sal12mo ago
Maybe! Only one way to find out
Smiles12mo ago
definetly struggling a bit with summer too its been hot so no jacket only shirts
my two cents on summer fits I've been taking the heat as an opportunity to pay closer attention to how I'm wearing something as opposed to what I'm wearing layering fits are super fun, but I've really enjoyed the challenge of making the basic format of shirt/pants/shoes more visually interesting while it's been too hot to layer i.e. focusing on what shirt buttons I have undone and why, exploring crops, etc doing more with less it's a lot easier for me to mess around with details when I'm not wearing as much
Smiles12mo ago
think thats a great point, ive jsut been relying on only oversized, and its actually why i haven't worn my jeans in a while, cause they are more straight leg than baggy i should crop some shirts i have and don't wear like one of my shitty oversized oxfords, cut the sleeves to be short-sleeve, crop it at waist, and play with it as a summer shirt that can be an interesting siholutte change in, for exmaple, the otherwise basic fit i posted to show how easy converse was to use
I've ripped this off pretty hard
Smiles12mo ago
im digging it, the cropped tees i see on tik-tok are also tempting me thtoughts on cutting an oxford to short-sleeve? i have a red j-crew oxford i don't tend to reach for that im thinking could be cool cropped
could be cool I've never seen it done but I'm sure there's inspo out there
Smiles12mo ago
might play with it
raw hem pants are fun too but I feel like you already know that having been around here as long as you have
Smiles12mo ago
ya, i have a pair of raw hem jeans thanks a ton, gonna refer to this thread and focus on what sal said
and then something that I've seen @chuckflowers do that I think is cool is tie/drape a sweater around your shoulders. I think it's a fun way to continue to incorporate pieces that it's too hot to wear
Smiles12mo ago
ive tried it like this fit, just struggle to find it comfy
yeah I've never been able to pull it off
Smiles12mo ago
funnily enough though one of the ALD employees was ripping it off when i stopped in the store
casey12mo ago
Oh yeah a raw hemmed shirt could be good for you, adding a bit of detail without overcomplicating
Thorby12mo ago
wait where is its from? I am looking for a nicer fitting tanktop than uniqlo one this looks kinda nice
casey12mo ago
I would suggest just cropping the body first and seeing how you like it before chopping the sleeves as well. Also consider the material
Smiles12mo ago
thats an ALD fit-pic, i can guarantee that the tank is way more expensive than its worth
Thorby12mo ago
ah damn, but thx for the quick answer
Smiles12mo ago
sleeves are likely too long on me anyway, but good point, its 100% cotton so should raw hem well just try a few different cheap brands until you find one you like
casey12mo ago
yeah cropped body long sleeves is a fun way to mess with proportions a bit. and yeah cotton should be good, made the mistake of raw hemming a woven linen shirt once and it did not work well haha
KissGo-Goat12mo ago
Just an observation a lot of he ones you are meh about are more neutral I think colour wise
Smiles12mo ago
a lot of them have proportion issues
KissGo-Goat12mo ago
I often find that a lot of meh fits are like 50% top 50% trouser
bishopcorrigan12mo ago
Cropped sleeves could be cool could be bad diy vibe, depends on the fit I think Chopped sleeve with a messy roll could be a good greaser vibe
Smiles12mo ago
i feel you ill play around a bit may be worth using the shirt to learn how to shorten sleeves and if i fuck it up
bishopcorrigan12mo ago
Agree with kiss about 50/50 porps
Smiles12mo ago
then i crop em
KissGo-Goat12mo ago
I don't know why but the golden ratio is just a thing
bishopcorrigan12mo ago
It’s easier to have and interesting fit with lowkey pieces if you’re more 1/3 2/3
Smiles12mo ago
my jeans both sit at my waist and thats partially why i haven't been using them as much want some higher waisted jeans
bishopcorrigan12mo ago
Unironically the big shirt little pants big pants little shirt meme
Smiles12mo ago
lol, ill play with it
Sal12mo ago
Good template
KissGo-Goat12mo ago
I personally find the first one of them so much harder than the second one At least in standard western menswear all items that I can come up with to create that look well are very seasonal
bishopcorrigan12mo ago
I’m not sure what you mean I don’t wear shorts in the winter but otherwise they both seem season agnostic to me
KissGo-Goat12mo ago
Like to me the two obvious ways to achive that is either with shorts or with coats and to me coats are a winter thing and shorts are for summer
bishopcorrigan12mo ago
I think big sweatshirt works for big top too Or boxy jacket I have an oversized cropped sweatshirt I wear a lot in the fall/spring to ride my bike
Chuckflowers12mo ago
You would benefit from more structured pants
bishopcorrigan12mo ago
Chuckflowers12mo ago
Ie trousers
bishopcorrigan12mo ago
Pleat time Or creased
Chuckflowers12mo ago
Something that creates an actual line down your leg
bishopcorrigan12mo ago
Even though sal hates front creases
Chuckflowers12mo ago
I love a crease, makes wide pants more structured and big versus wide side to side
Smiles12mo ago
so in the interest of doing a buying freeze, would you say pleating the pants i have may make sense, eg: the giant chinos im slightly worried about making them too small
bishopcorrigan12mo ago
Post pic Adding pleats to pants that already fit in the waist is a little tricky You could just iron them and see how they look with a crease
Smiles12mo ago
prob will do that instead you can see them in some of my fits i posted above, the white chinos main problem is i unironically have massive thighs for my waist size
bishopcorrigan12mo ago
Oh those ones Tbh the fabric is too casual for a pleat or crease imo
Smiles12mo ago
its a cotton twill, may not come accross in pictures
Nayyyyy12mo ago
re: more structured trousers. Carhart / duck canvas tends to be thicker and more rigid cottons. Rather than going the pleat route or ironing in a front crease you can also add visual weight/change the drape by cuffing over x2 using the seam at the end of the pants leg.
bishopcorrigan12mo ago
I think wool trousers or something in that level of fine work better with creases or pleats than twills Linen works with pleats in the summer But they should be huge
Nayyyyy12mo ago
if we're integrating with his current wardrobe as-is i'd be warry adding finer weaved wools, if that's what you mean by "fine work". though i may be talking past you / comprehending wrong here
Smiles12mo ago
i have wool trousers actually but they are winter lol very heavy wool i have huge linen pleated pants, you can see them in the 3rd fit
bishopcorrigan12mo ago
No you got it, I think they would work with the intentional culture clash kind of thing but they call for having some nice leather shoes too and now we’re on the slippery slope They need some love somehow, the pleats don’t translate What does the top block look like
Nayyyyy12mo ago
love a good slippery slope. not always a fallacy...
Chuckflowers12mo ago
Charcoal flannel trousers for fall, tobacco linen for summer
bishopcorrigan12mo ago
I’m always pro buying nice shoes but that’s my cross to bear
Chuckflowers12mo ago
Casatlantic khaki or white as well
bishopcorrigan12mo ago
@.kyn has some really nice big pants that are I believe linen and pleated
mewball12mo ago
this thread is way too big to catch up on but im praying for you
Sal12mo ago
As long as they're not paired with those shark tooth sole sneakers I'm supportive
bishopcorrigan12mo ago
Hahahaha Coward
mewball12mo ago
im scared of what i might find
bishopcorrigan12mo ago
Yeah the shape of these do so much work Might be wrong for unf but it’s the right idea of what we are saying with structured Shapely trousers These are in line with what I was imagining
kyn12mo ago
the casatlantic trousers fuckin rip
Sal12mo ago
When everyone's ready I think we should discuss unf's choice of hats It seems to be a pillar of style for him that at times feels successful and other times less so
mewball12mo ago
some of your outfits do have some proportional issues and some cuts/fabrics that aren't flattering. I think as other have said you could use some higher quality pants that drape nicely, the pants in your outfits sometimes look creased and cheap instead of weighted like in all your inspo. I also think you are sometimes wearing a cut that is too standard fitting, not committed enough to slim or oversized. Or you're pairing slightly oversized with slightly oversized which looks sloppy instead of intentional. in general my experience with fashion has been about improving your eye gradually over time and learning to trust your instincts to guide your personal style towards what inspires you, so i think you're on your way as you continue to iterate
Stardom12mo ago
Loving this thread.
Smiles12mo ago
i got loafers + moc toe leather boots sorry was showering more than just clothes to life unfortunately
Smiles12mo ago
Smiles12mo ago
shark tooth sneakers fuck thanks
kyn12mo ago
oh those are nice pants...
Smiles12mo ago
they don't have a back pocket and it is a massive issue i have enough left over from hemming them to probably make a patch pocket but im worried about fucking it up
kyn12mo ago
simply carry around a tote max inventory slots
Smiles12mo ago
i have a crossbody coming lol
mewball12mo ago
>linen i love linen but i hate how wrinkled they get 😦
Smiles12mo ago
iron bby
kyn12mo ago
love how wrinkly they get
Smiles12mo ago
i am worried about how to translate my current pants here, cause i see what you are saying in my inspo lots of structured front-crease/pleated pants meanwhile the giant chinos are pretty unstructured, and the black fatigues are also a tad bit unstructured (though a favorite of mine) orslow fatigues are fine, and i have a pleated pair of Uniqlo U pants as well i could try to buy some pleated slacks off ebay keep it cheap on hats, i think its selection is my main issue, i wear em cause as you may have noticed, if i style my hair its rather unconventional, and most days i don't want to bother putting in product to WFH, so i put on a hat to keep it out of my face i have a bunch, various ballcaps and a few buckets
bishopcorrigan12mo ago
I think the ficus pants could work but you should try more tucked in shirt fits with them since the top block is where they shine Tucked in undershirt with open overshirt Or loose tuck big shirt
Smiles12mo ago
bishopcorrigan12mo ago
Smiles12mo ago
lol old enough i still blurred my face
kyoko12mo ago
Sorry if I'm repeating what's already been said because there were so many comments I just skimmed. I think your top block can be too simple/shapeless/long and throws off the proportions (like someone said already, 50/50 split top and bottom not the best). You can tuck shirts in obviously, but with a lot of the button ups you're wearing, for summer I think it would look better if you unbuttoned them and had a tank or tee underneath (like your ald stripe shirt fit). Not only does this give more visual breakup, but it gives you more room to play with textures, layering, and accessories like your necklace or belts without adding too much clothing in the hot summer
Smiles12mo ago
artist diff, forsure, i have the SFC tanks too and should use them anyway
Smiles12mo ago
or use unbutton on some of the longer shirts to break the siholutte like the recent waywt post, and
Smiles12mo ago
basically break the 50-50 im creating with just untucked shirts
kyoko12mo ago
also looking through the inspo album you posted, I think putting outfits together with a color palette could be helpful since almost all the outfits in there are tonal or working from one cohesive palette. e.g. the colors in right are all pulling different colors from the camo, which makes it look cohesive without being monochromatic
kyoko12mo ago
so if you use one statement piece, picking your clothes around colors that complement that piece could pull everything together
Smiles12mo ago
Chuckflowers12mo ago
I also think independent of silhouette I don’t see so so much preppy re: preppy streetwear
Smiles12mo ago
just pure streetwear?
Chuckflowers12mo ago
I think if mixing those elements is a goal, then you’re missing “classic” items that can establish that motif Yeah I think that maybe the streetwear prep aspect of ALD is distrusting your vision Your closet much closer to contemporary streetwear vs neo prep
Smiles12mo ago
mmm, i think also my winter style which isn't showcased as well here is clouding it, since its way more preppy
Chuckflowers12mo ago
That could be it This is very summer heavy
Smiles12mo ago
prep wise, i do have some oxfords i just don't wear em a ton (should wear em more) cause of shitty collar roll lmao, but i think some pleated pants is defiently a core piece i need more of lemme post some of my winter fits i like
Smiles12mo ago
PSI is a bit of a recurring issue, but i've also hemmed/raw hemmed a lot of these pants since these were taken
Smiles12mo ago
Chuckflowers12mo ago
Silhouette is much more coherent and so is styling Summer just sucks!
Smiles12mo ago
i think im also trying to push myself more though in the summer so basically, im hearing use pleated pants
kyn12mo ago
I like a lot of what you wear but I hate the chunky single cuff
Smiles12mo ago
like i said, a lot of that is gone away cause ive hemmed the pants since these pictures
bishopcorrigan12mo ago
Yeah I’d be interested to see some more tucked in shirt fits and working in some pleats And I think aiming even more refined with the prep/dress elements will help too
Smiles12mo ago
i should be able to find some pleats on ebay for cheap
xmdot12mo ago
look for the polo hammond pant, pleated, wide-ish and super cheap on ebay if you're in the US i also remember you said you're on the shorter side, in which case i'd look at the beams plus 2 pleats. i'm around 5'8 so the short inseam actually fits me pretty well.
Smiles12mo ago
ya im 5'7"-5'8", good to know don't know about finding a beams+ 2pleat for cheap unfortunately, but ill keep an eye out
kyn12mo ago
Probably cheap if you proxy it
Smiles12mo ago
well ofc, gonna be a bit before another proxy though proxying isn't cheap cause of how much i would buy lol
kyn12mo ago
xmdot12mo ago
oh yeah for sure, i kinda meant the hammond is the cheaper option and also the beams are worth a look.
Smiles12mo ago
ya, its a good tip forsure
xmdot12mo ago
btw how do you find sizing on the perforated tanks? worth going up one or?
Smiles12mo ago
i went with my normal, they list measurements, they listed the large for chests 40-42" and I've measured my chest as 41" think its better tight anyway well, i swear they used to maybe they changed the sizing on the restock lol
xmdot12mo ago
ya it says large is 42-44 but measures 41" so that sounds right
Smiles11mo ago
so personally no, wouldn't recommend sizing up, it is a wife pleaser i prob won't use an app but ya, think i need to find more ways to use my clothes as well, thank you appreciate the feedback
kamotejoe11mo ago
i’m surprised you classified this as a brick cause imo it’s not. there’s strong color cohesion. and as other users have said, your PSI can use some tweaking
kamotejoe11mo ago
PSI here is good because the structured pants sit on the structured chelsea boots really well.
kamotejoe11mo ago
kamotejoe11mo ago
highlighting this fit you like because the docs could exponentially improve the cohesion of some of your bricks
kamotejoe11mo ago
like this one, the sneakers are way too jarring and if you swapped in the docs and lost the hat you’d be pattern mixing with alot more intention
Smiles11mo ago
docs are derbies to be clear part of the reason i don't wear em a ton is they are probably the wrong size and i should sell em and size down or figure out a different insole, but good looks big appreciate the feedback think i need to improve at picking what shoe to use in what fit
kamotejoe11mo ago
ya it’s def something you get comfy with over time. and i get it, i love a good pattern mixing moment and have alot of statement pieces in my wardrobe. as i’ve gotten older i’ve been sticking to 2 statement pieces max
Smiles11mo ago
im starting focusing on the structured pants, less pattern mixing (single statement piece in a fit) and looking into alt silhouettes (gonna be lots of 1/3-2/3 in the summer) got some longer term advice to switch up the glasses when it makes sense for my insurance as well
mewball11mo ago
bishopcorrigan11mo ago
werkinprogress11mo ago
So glad I refollowed this thread @smiiles. you're a good guy for making this
Smiles11mo ago
i needed the help and the regulars are good i got a lot of help and have a good path forward imo
rebound211mo ago
wait 6 months and I'll make this thread all over again
TheVirt11mo ago
this is a good thread, you've really been doing a lot of thinking about this and i 1000% support it just to make sure I understand what's going on -- you're looking for a way to be blending your preferences of prep and streetwear in a way that feels cohesive to you and your personality?
Smiles11mo ago
basically, obviously todays fit was basically just streetwear but in general i (want) to lean heavily towards prep with it and in general improve my style
TheVirt11mo ago
hm general thoughts that may help 1. I see you're trying to add a ton of interesting pieces to your fits, but theyre often competing for attention and sometimes clashing I think rather than starting with multiple pieces liek that, start with a boring fit and think of what interesting pieces you can swap out to add visual interest it'll help with cohesion imo
Smiles11mo ago
todays fit was the result of me trying to use these pants in a way cohesive with what im working on rn to be more specific, and agreed, the shoes were a mistake today
TheVirt11mo ago
the reason i asked what your thinking was with the fit was because I couldn't track the logic behind what you were going for; the intention just wasn't clear enough question for you: do you have enough basic pieces in your wardrobe? or maybe i should say neutral pieces
Smiles11mo ago
honestly, not entirely, ive been looking to try to snag them from ebay and such. I have lots of neutral pants, but many lack structure. In general I've been looking for plain colored pleated high-waisted slacks. For shirts i have a few summer ones, but not enough (hence why I reached for tan today), though I also have oversized tees in a variety of colors i could lean on as well i almost certainly have plenty of basic tees, just in an oversized cut
TheVirt11mo ago
if you find yourself purchasing a lot of clothing a little impulsively, i'd recommend slwoing down and only purchasing if you can see the item working in at least 3 different vibes of fits thatll help with versatility and making sure you have enough basics/bridging items i have more thoughts but gotta see a patient real quick
Smiles11mo ago
no rush, this thread isn't going anywhere
letsgosnakes11mo ago
Literal fit doctor
TheVirt11mo ago
ok back 2nd point is with regards to finding your own style/blending prep and streetwear like what Sal was saying, try to refine more and more the individual aspects of what you like about prep and streetwear is it the identity of individual pieces themselves? i.e. MA-1 bombers, OCBDs, AF1s, etc is it the materials? i.e. oxford cloth, chino fabric, nylon, etc. is it the colours? i.e. pastels, go-to-hell salmon/nantucket red, neon saturated colours like in 90s windbreakers, etc. the more you can refine, the more you have building blocks to decide what you like and how to combine them
Smiles11mo ago
good looks, definetly initially both piece identity and colors
TheVirt11mo ago
3rd point: when attempting to subvert expectations, try to find the goldilocks zone where it's just unexpected enough to be interesting, and yet not so stark a contrast that it looks unintentional this point is admittedly rather dependent on the audience and their understanding of things hence why a fit can be sick on MFA and super strange out in Bumfuck, Nowhere you need a certain amount of cohesiveness that it's intentional
Smiles11mo ago
Ya, I'm definitely still struggling with cohesiveness
TheVirt11mo ago
take this fit for example
TheVirt11mo ago
(absolutely tooting my own horn tyvm) what do you think the thinking was behind the fit do you think it's cohesive? do you think it's unexpected? how so?
Smiles11mo ago
Definitely both cohesive and unexpected. In this fit I read the it's the items themselves are cohesive, but the patterns are what are unexpected
TheVirt11mo ago
keep extrapolating on that what's the overall vibe of the fit? what are the influences? describe the colours, the shapes, the patterns, the silhouette and try to think about how each decision shapes the direction of the fit
kyoko11mo ago
Genuinely I think this is overthinking it And taking things in a direction that is probably not helpful
TheVirt11mo ago
just the way my brain works, def may not be for everyone
TGO11mo ago
Reminding me of remy trying to explain food to his brother when mf just wanted to eat cheese
TheVirt11mo ago
unironically my favourite scene in that movie so this explains a lot haha
Smiles11mo ago
Lmao I don't have the depth of past fashion and associations to draw from so imma struggle with this
bishopcorrigan11mo ago
It’s not necessary imo Understanding the vibe of pieces is enough
TGO11mo ago
You don’t build a fashion house without a few bricks
Smiles11mo ago
It's feels suitish, and that's kinda how I operate, does it feel like what I want Very much a vibes guy for fashion
TGO11mo ago
I think that’s fine. I think @evolsirhc is someone who I really appreciate because he’s also not someone particularly interested in “Fashion” per se but has nailed down what he wants and likes and just does that
Smiles11mo ago
I'm interested in fashion as whole, but ya the nuance doesn't interest me personally in how to build fits I think the takeaway from today is mostly tones in color schemes I have a tee I could swap in on today, swap the shoes for something less loud (my boots were the obvious choice) and let it roll
Chuckflowers11mo ago
As always don’t get cute with it Keep it simple
dylan11mo ago
u can get cute with it if u want
mewball11mo ago
maybe even a little silly
evolsirhc11mo ago
haha thank you TGO
bishopcorrigan11mo ago
Do what looks good and not what looks bad
dylan11mo ago
all these outfits u posted look nice idk
evolsirhc11mo ago
My advice if you’re having trouble with styling is to check out stores that stock multiple brands you like
dylan11mo ago
i think the ones you posted as being bad mostly just look bad bc that sweater vest is a little funny looking and would be cuntier with nothing underneath it
evolsirhc11mo ago
As opposed to just looking at lookbook a for a single brand
dylan11mo ago
rather than trying weird little layering things people telling u some weird symptomatic checklist about how to determine the course of an outfit or whatever are lovingly being kinda dumb abt this when i get a new thing i just try it on with a billion different things until i like it
bishopcorrigan11mo ago
mewball11mo ago
Playing dress up in the mirror is important
dylan11mo ago
u dont need to do like vibe mathematics dog is yr bedroom decorated like a natty wine store
Smiles11mo ago
I did that too
Smiles11mo ago
Thanks, I think I'm on the right track overall, just got hit details a bit more
mewball11mo ago
Untuck …. Ur hiding that it’s big here Not bad though
Smiles11mo ago
That was the point 😭 But ya, I'm vibes based using the mirror But ya, @meatwater just told me to tuck the sweater when I try to use it when I saw them in NY, it's just be like 90 all the time so I haven't wanted to play with it
kyoko11mo ago
honestly i dont know if there's a way to make that sweater vest work
bishopcorrigan11mo ago
I don’t think tuck is bad here but would be better with rise
Smiles11mo ago
I mean I could just say fuck it and crop it Or sell it Still torn on that
bishopcorrigan11mo ago
But also yeah I’m not convinced it’s worth playing with the sweater vest that much
kyoko11mo ago
i think it would be very obvious if you cropped it. which is not necessarily a bad thing
dylan11mo ago
i think it would be hotter as a womenswear piece lol
bishopcorrigan11mo ago
Yeah true
dylan11mo ago
i would turn that shit out i’m sorry
Smiles11mo ago
I should throw it on grailed Fair enough Wasn't meant to be a reply but ya
dylan11mo ago
also, gently fix yr posture cowboy
Smiles11mo ago
Lmao yes Ty all again
TheVirt11mo ago
I kept the bottles I liked and had no sense of interior design haha Vibe is a totally valid way of thinking, and ultimately where you wanna be for sure
dylan11mo ago
have you tried describing the overall vibe of the interior and its influences
Smiles11mo ago
College boy Influences: frats and alcoholism
KissGo-Goat11mo ago
Put a candle on these bottles and it becomes more socially acceptable
wren11mo ago
what do you think the thinking was behind the fit do you think it's cohesive? do you think it's unexpected? how so?
wren11mo ago
expound on this fit. extrapolate on this fit. think about it with your brain. suck me and fuck me about it.
KissGo-Goat11mo ago
We also need to consider the role that the soju plays in the composition
Christoph11mo ago
Oh my god It even has a watermark
aud11mo ago
my brain no longer registers the word tuck as referring to clothing which makes every tucking conversation on here sound real weird
bishopcorrigan11mo ago
Lmao understandable
wren11mo ago
tucking is bad fashion imo
bishopcorrigan11mo ago
The Venn diagram between mfa and some trans women discord is tuck and brick but just a lot of confusion about what they mean
aud11mo ago
but which tuck?
KissGo-Goat11mo ago
wren11mo ago
hope this clears it up
dylan11mo ago
arf arf grrrrr woof
wren11mo ago
wruff wuf wrauf aaaawruff
mewball11mo ago
wren11mo ago
ew thats kind of weird ngl
mewball11mo ago
Oh god oh fuck
Thonyfst11mo ago
That's why you can't let furries into your community
wren11mo ago
yea kind of weird and offputting to act like a cute little puppydog and get pet by a bunch of people and have them tell you youre doing suuuuuuch a good job and call you cute when you bark for them what were we talking about?