CTR is low how?

I made a really good thumbnail, got 3.2k impressions. but only 111 views, that's above usual but I want to try to push myself above a 2.6% CTR
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8 Replies
probablyraging11mo ago
High impressions with a low CTR usually means a poor thumbnail, title, and description. While I have no title to base my opinion off, just based on the thumbnail itself. in my eyes it's not really all that clickable. While it is using bright colors, nothing really stands out about it, it almost looks cluttered and gives no context as to what the video might be about. Keep in mind though, a 2.6% CTR isn't all that bad, it's definitely on the lower end so plenty of room for improvement. I'd consider A-B testing some different thumbnails honestly, this one just doesn't feel right
MaxKaBoom11mo ago
thx for the feedback, I have an idea for another thumbnail that will probably be better alright I'll try that
probablyraging11mo ago
Consider searching for the game/video type on YouTube and see what other creators are doing with there thumbnails. I see a couple of more eye-catching ones already https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=car+crusher+2
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Ginnetix11mo ago
I just made my first long form after 150 shorts. What's a good CTR to shoot for? Obviously as high as possible, but what's like the minimum average you'd want to have?
probablyraging11mo ago
It really depends on the niche and content honestly. But Google says 50% of all channels have anywhere between 2-10%, so I would say somewhere within in that percentage and you're fine, as you said aiming as high as you can I would also say any lower than 5% and you might want to considering doing something different lol like improving thumbnails, titles, descriptions as already mentioned Also keep in mind that CTR isn't everything. You could have a 20% CTR but only 100 impressions, which is worse than having 5% CTR and 10,000 impressions. Low impressions means YouTube isn't recommending your video at all really, and that is not a good sign, usually a sign or poor SEO. I would definitely focus more on getting higher impressions but in the end you sort of want a nice balance between the two. Recommend doing your research on SEO which will help with getting higher impressions
Ginnetix11mo ago
Solid. I really appreciate the response. This helps a ton. Thanks!
Sparrow11mo ago
I’d say you need to make the car the main image and then have the text a little bigger and to the side. If you added a face for no reason you’d get an even lower CTR imo.
MaxKaBoom11mo ago
I did make a new one if you want to see it so far it's done pretty good on youtube I think it's still under a 3% ctr, but atleast i have alot of impressions?