What are the most common things that clients look for when they are hiring editors?

Hey guys, i just would like to ask what do clients look for when they hire an editor for video editing?
3 Replies
probablyraging•11mo ago
For me personally, I'd say price, experience, a solid portfolio, quick turn around, willingness to offer a couple of free revisions. Probably in that order too. Oh, actually #1 would be offering payment via a reputable source like PayPal
universal.things•11mo ago
😭 what if you live in a country where PayPal is banned will buymeacofee work.😢
Sparrow•11mo ago
A good portfolio with quality work. The portfolio is crucial to getting any freelance work because otherwise you have no guarantee as it were And yeah payment via PayPal, VIPPS etc. is always a positive. Makes the whole thing seem more professional.